George and his current concubine I assume.

Cushing and Christopher Lee
See what I mean?
I was relegated to watching tv last night, (kill me now) and as I was flipping through the channels for the nine-hundredth time I ran across George Michael on American Idol. He was doing something that I really hated, to a song I really liked, and while I was trying to figure out why all the hand gestures and grimaces were necessary I realized I was thinking of vampires and it was because of this visage of Peter Cushing on my wall. Very disturbing.
I signed the lease on the new place yesterday. I got to choose my parking space, which was nice of her. She's also handling all the utility change stuff, which is great.
The full moon has passed so things seem to be settling down here in schizo-land. At least they've chosen to leave me alone, which is all I ever want anyway.
It's raining so I'll have a bike jones by lunch. I'm hoping it stops soon and dries out a little so I can at least satisfy the monster a little.
And there was, in the end, lively curiosity from this dead cat. I ended up watching the last four minutes of AI just to see the announcement. Herd mentality, there's no justification for it. But I did it anyway.
He's like, 12! But he is kinda cute in that pasty,vanilla, bland, kinda way. Oh well, another idol we'll never hear from again just like most of the last 6. They need an idol for all us old farts who don't get a break too. Nah! It'd turn into AI-the surreal life, I can see it now.
One of the blogs I read regularly is Guyfromchicago hosted by a young man named Justin who,to me reflects an interesting outlook. I particularly like the fact that he likes cars, baseball, and, from what I've heard, some pretty good music too. Today he posted about a car he's loving at the moment, which inspired me to post about the dream I'm lusting after right now as well.

I so want one of these things. Cause this-

just ain't cuttin' it. However, it HAS to cut it for at least two more years, the duration of my commitment to it.
I'm boring today. Sorry. Tomorrow is hot Guy Friday, maybe researching that will perk me up.
Let's hope so.