Phew, now that that's out of the way I feel better. Not really, but who has the energy, at my age, to jump up and down and scream a lot.
I got screwed!
And not in a good way.
Not in the "Those seven jobs you submitted applications for, and for all of which you were outrageously overqualified, didn't even select you for an interview." Nope not in that way.
It's a much more political, more nefarious, more aggravating way.
There are several new and large retail businesses in the city where I most recently worked. Of course they all have taxes to pay. Or not.
It has come to my attention that a couple of these big businesses have disputed their taxes and placed the amounts owed into escrow accounts while they're in dispute.
The amount they owe is SIX TIMES what would have been required to allow all of us who got laid off to keep our jobs.
And there's more!
These funds also go to the college I work at! Potentially putting me out of work there too!
Fortunately for me I can exact a little revenge. They'll never notice it, but it will give me at least a modicum of satisfaction. I owe one of these retailers money. Not a lot maybe $150.
But guess who's moved to the top of the list not to get paid once the money stops coming in? I'll feel better anyway.
In their finite wisdom, the powers that be at the old job, instead of getting smart and being creative. (not their strong suit)And instead of saying "Hey, we'll get smarter about money. We'll keep our staff and we'll find ways to get more $ without relying on these cheap assholes." They decided that business really does run the government and they decided to slash their way to budgetary health. A well used method which almost always fails in monumental ways. I'd say they succumbed to the fascism that always exists when a government is run by it's business community, but the government I worked for isn't that smart.
Just feeling a little sick of all the years of scraping and bowing today. See, it means I was right all those years that I eschewed that posture when my friends were assuming it.
I understand that most of them had families they had to support and that changes one's perspective on the subject, and they did what they had to do, but it doesn't make it go down any easier today.
I need a really good morsel to cheer me, maybe even a triple:
