The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In Dogged Pursuit

I've been putting this off for months, and today I just decided I was going to get it done with.

I sent the letter to Mommie Dearest demanding she tell me Daddy's name.

Now, mind you I was nice. well...I didn't threaten her with least until the end of the letter, anyway.

But I didn't exactly threaten I just let it be known that I was aware that there are remedies available to me like DNA tests and such, that I don't want, nor I am certain does any of the other parties concerned. Especially since one of the parties has never told their current husband about all! I thought that might expedite the issue so I threw it in. Not the husband part, but the DNA.

So, if Mommie Dearest is smart and really wants to put all this behind her forever she'll get with the program and send me back that stamped self-addressed postcard I enclosed with the letter, on which she'll write Daddy's last name so she can be safely shed of me forever.

Or she can keep getting letters that make her heart race whenever she opens them. It's up to her I guess.

I'm sure the whole court, DNA thing would never happen since it would open up a whole sticky wicket for parents who've put children up for adoption all over the country, but it's a fun idea.

In other news, it's rained here almost every day this week. Killing any chance that I'll get to ride this weekend. The trails are swamped so I'll be doing other stuff instead. Packing would be smart since I'm moving in three weeks and I haven't packed a thing.

I'm gettin' a jones to ride horses and bikes both, this weather isn't helping me at all in that area.

I have a request from one of the schools I applied to for some more info on my CV, so I guess a trip to the post office is in order. It's a silly request, the info is right there on my CV, but they want it again, in yet another form. I can't decide if it's because they're simple, or if they're checking to see if I'll fill out 50 fucking forms and send them back. Hard to tell.

Oh! The 59fifty (I'm such a dork, I get excited over a hat)is here! I don't have a picture but you can bet there'll be one of the new lid when I get a chance.

I'm getting a little concerned that Someone is confusing their role in a relationship we have. I saw Someone the other day and then later got this gushy little email.


Gushy ain't exactly what we're about, so this confused and concerned me. We work so well together I'd hate to see this get complicated. Hopefully it was just a passing thing.

I'm trying to muscle my way into a webmaster position here at work. We'll see just how much political capital I have built up. I'm willing to compromise, but are they? That's the question.

Cross your fingers on that and the latest with Mommie Dearest. Let's hope the most recent white trash drama passes without too many hitches.

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