The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

it's gray and so am I

My brain is in a fog, the sky has been gray for two days and I feel it.

I can't think! Sitting and staring is my preferred occupation today. Unfortunately, those bastards that pay me have other ideas. Well, they'll learn a good lesson today won't they? Whatever I do will likely be useless so it'll have to be done again.

I applied for a job in Portales NM yesterday. I'm starting to think that applying is why I went to grad school. That that's what I needed to learn to do. Well I got that part down pretty good. Now if I could just get past that particular chapter I'd be thrilled.

I asked a question of their Human Resources person two days ago and this morning figured out why she hasn't answered. THEY'RE ON SPRING BREAK! You think they could have mentioned they're closing this position during a time when they're all gonna be gone? Academia...and we wonder why people are so simple-minded.

Portales is truly on the high plains, it'd be windy and isolated. One outta two ain't bad. I looked at real's cheap enough. I could get a house before the department of education got their hooks in me for student loans for the rest of my life.

And what is this "Here, have a credit card," thing that's happening suddenly in my life? If there's a credit crunch it's not in my house. I'm not just getting offers to apply, I got two credit cards in the mail unsolicited in the last two months! It's weird. I keep calling and telling, NOOO! I do not want more credit cards!" I do not need temptation in my wallet. They're evil I tell you!

Amazon called yesterday, "Do you remember applying for this credit card? Um, no! I remember buying something that incidentally I haven't received yet. But applying for another card...nada. Well, you did and we've approved it and if you'll answer these questions we're going to send it to you."

I know I was talking when I said no I heard me. There's an Amazon Visa in my near future I can feel it.

And I wonder why the grayness has got me. Fuck it! I'm going to get my bike out of the car and go for a ride. Maybe that'll blow out the cobwebs.


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