The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, March 13, 2008

and she screws the pooch

Dear Senator Clinton:

I know you’ll never see this letter but I’m sending it anyway. I need to say a few things and maybe some staffer will get a kick out of some of them. Maybe one or two will get the message as well. I can only hope.

I have to tell you at the outset of this little missive that you were my third choice. First, I chose Dennis Kucinich. Right up until he went to Shirley MacLaine’s house and started seeing UFO’s. I suppose that’s ok, but he shouldn’t have told anyone about it.

Then I chose my worst damn nightmare, the southern Baptist white guy. He was the best, I thought. He represented the ideals I want reflected in my President and he insisted that people around him concentrate on them as well. He packed up his stuff and went home after you and the big baby started arguing all the time.

Then it fell to you. Like I said, not my first choice, but you’re the most experienced, I’ve supported you through your Tammy Wynette misstep, the health care reform debacle, the multitude of vast right wing conspiracies, Don’t ask don’t tell, and your husband’s rather public indiscretion.

But this time you screwed the pooch Hillary. You failed to do the one thing I require of all leaders. You didn’t stand up to a bully.

Barack Obama is nothing but a bully, and he’s using his 15 minutes to censor anyone who says anything he doesn’t want said. It’s political correctness at its most offensive. And you did nothing to stop it.

Geraldine Ferraro did nothing wrong and you know it. She noticed that Barack Obama is black, which seems to be a mortal sin (though I noticed Pope Benedict didn’t include it on his new list of sins) and if we do mention it. We’re racist. Bullshit. All that makes him is a big damn bully and you fell for it.

The news is not good Senator Clinton. Through your inaction, your unwillingness to stand up to this guy who got elected to the Senate 15 minutes ago, who has no experience and will make a total mess of almost everything he touches. Who will, I assure you buddy up to just as many special interests as anyone else. Who is bullying his way into the White House by telling people they shouldn’t deny a black man a seat in the oval office, you lost my vote.

To paraphrase the character Max Cherry in Pulp Fiction, “Is white guilt supposed to make me forget this guy will be running my country?”

As of today this election is over for me. I will not participate. I do not find a candidate worth voting for in the Democratic Party and since there is no other party I will subscribe to. I am abstaining from voting in this election.

Maybe we need a new party, a new system for you people to abuse. Maybe it’d take you a few years to inappropriately utilize a new system, and the rest of could take a breather from the constant barrage that has been this Presidential election.

It’s a shame really, I have always prided myself on the fact that I have insisted that I participate in every single election since 1976, when I voted for the first time at 18. But today at 50 I find it to be quite a different story.

I will reserve the right to complain and whine about what is done in Washington that I do not like, since I would have voted if there had been a viable candidate.

But there wasn’t.

Goodbye Senator Clinton, and good luck in your new location. This black guy(Obama) is gonna continue to kick your ass in the voting booths and you may as well just pack up your stuff and go home. Besides you’ve lost a vote already, what’s to stop more people from coming to the same conclusion. Particularly after I post this on my blog. My readership isn't vast, but influence always starts small, doesn't it?


A former supporter

P.S.It was nice to hear Geraldine tell everyone to go fuck themselves on her way out the door. I liked her then and I like her even more now.

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