So here:

It's entirely possible that I was so enamored of Taye Diggs abs that I spaced out the calendar altogether and most of you will know that's not only possible it's likely, so I know I'm forgiven.
Today I scheduled a chiropractor follow-up visit, a meeting, calls to the health insurance co who is seriously trying to screw me over some tests (you wouldn't believe what they've billed me) calls to the courthouse to get those people to start giving out correct info. (Adoption records in Kansas are not sealed and they're telling people they are.) Make an appt to get the brakes on the car serviced. Do my regular work, which is a lot on Monday, AND go to Spanish class this afternoon (in an hour to be precise) after which I have to go get my TB skin test read(schools require you have one as a teacher) and then off to pottery class.
So do I have time for you? NO. Do I love you so much and crave the attention that like 150 people have given me since the first of the year that I will cram a few minutes into my day to get this pic posted and say hello. Of course I will.
I'm still trying to formulate a plan about the adoption thing. I have decided to ask the courts to put my name back on my birth certificate, keeping the fist name. I'm too old to change that one now. As for contacting Mommy Dearest about Daddy's name. I think a letter is the best way. She'll ignore it and then I'll send another and another and finally she'll get scared enough that I'll re-appear and tell her husband and children that I'm her dirty little secret that she'll give it up. (she's never told anyone about me, so I've got great leverage should I have to resort to extortion. lol)
Either that or one of us will succumb to the vagaries of time and stress and just die, and then it won't really matter will it?
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