I’d find this laughable if it weren’t so typically mean-spirited and hateful.
Fucking Catholics. “Let’s screw everybody since that’s the only way we’ll get to screw the people we hate.” What a loving and charitable policy they’ve developed.
When, WHEN will we learn that the biggest and most politically influential church in the WORLD is the single biggest purveyor of hate in the world?
When, WHEN will we get smart enough to put a stop not only to their influence, but to their tax-exempt influence peddling?
The Catholics need to be reduced to the level of the KKK, cause they’re just exactly the same.
Dear Pope Benedict XVI:
Fuck You, and the nelly priest you rode in on.
D.C. Catholic Charities Axes Spousal Benefits to Heterosexuals to Comply with its own Homophobia
Catholic Charities in Washington D.C. has made its latest move in ensuring its homophobic policies remain intact as marriage equality laws are set to begin in the district:Catholic Charities ended its foster care program last month because it wouldn't be allowed to discriminate against gay and lesbian married couples.
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