There have been developments. It's been quite the week.
The Catholic church gets hit by a gay prostitution scandal. lol (karma's a bitch ain't it boys?)
I notice the vatican hasn't said a lot about this little peccadillo.
Karl Rove continues to lie to the American Public, as though that's news.
The lies about unit cohesion and DADT continue to be told. I think the insulting thing about all this is the assumption that anyone who is a soldier is incapable of being a thinking person therefore we all have to think for them and in so doing deny that not only do gay and lesbian people already serve in the military, but we have to pretend they don't . Fucking delusional Americans.

As I reported on Tuesday I was to cover my bosses classes Tuesday and Wednesday while he had a cardiac cath and a possible angioplasty. Oh hoho how we all wish that had turned out to be the case.
He called me Tuesday night and asked if I would cover his classes at least through next week, (haha) while he recovered from quintuple bypass surgery. He obviously had no idea what he'd gotten into. Needless to say I've been winging it in front of a classroom for several days.
That's not all!
I went to the college to talk with the dean about this mess on Wednesday and we sat down to talk about everything I'd be doing. She ssured me I'd be compensated for the classes and while we were on the subject how much did I want to finish directing the show the boss was in the middle of directing.
Learning quickly to fly by the seat of my pants, I told her I'd be happy with the fee I got the last time I directed. Being a true administrator she said, "You want the whole fee even though you're coming in halfway through the process?" I calmly explained that it's harder to come into the middle of someone else's show, particularly since I am NOT prepared for this. I should have charged her double for the question alone.
So if all works out fairly I'll get the fee for direction, technical direction, and paid for the teaching. So far there's no mention of when the boss will return.
This all means that I've had to take a leave from the grocery since I can only do so much. They're very understanding about all this.

The weather is finally improving around here and I can't go outside and play waah!
My days currently consist of getting up at 6, working out a bit and then heading to the school by 7:30 so I can do what little admin stuff I know how to do, try and prepare lectures and lesson plans for the classes that day, and put out any fires that may have started since last night. Then I teach from 10-2, then I go to the theatre and work on the set with the work study students. After that I retire to my lair have a little dinner and then head back so I can be at rehearsal from 6-11p. Then I go home to bed to start the whole thing over again tomorrow. And let's not forget that I still have 6 hrs of my own to teach on Monday and Thursday nights.

So enjoy the post, and the incorporated HGS. It may be a while before we speak again. This weekend I have to do an analysis of a play in two days that normally takes me weeks. I have to type up a new program and get it ready for the printer since I don't know where the original is. I also promised I'd do my brothers taxes, and I have to do lesson plans for next week. There's also the matter of paying my own bills and laundry etc. That's not to mention the Oscar party, and that my last day at the grocery is Sunday.

Last but not least I'll mention that fact that my friend in the southwest had quadruple bypass surgery and a mitral valve replacement on Thursday. He too appears to be doing well. So there's the concern about him going on as well.

Wish me well, cross your fingers for the poor cast of the show I'm now directing, (oh I forgot to mention that some press appeared today on our website listing ME as the director of the show. I'm not really comfortable with that and I now have to tactfully address it on Monday, oy! I'd be Ok with a co-directing thing, perhaps, but taking the show as my own...not so much)
And so it goes:

Love, cause it's all you got.
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