I had planned to winterize the car. Brakes,plugs, oil, tire rotation, and I did get it all done(except the rotation) barely.
My brother called me as I was about to leave for his house where I can use the garage, and asked me that since his wife had broken a tooth and was in pain,could I take her to the emergency dentist instead. I did of course, but that put me hours off my plan. So I did everything I could to the car, then headed home.
I got there just in time to get the pot roast in the oven before my guests arrived for the evening. We proceeded to have a grand time of Halloween.
Were you aware that certain ghourds can not be carved...unless you own a reciprocating saw? Owning a pitcher of martini's helps too.
So there was jack-o-lanterns, martini's pot roast dry ice, fog, wine, inducing more fog,canasta, and general hangover producing merriment. The holidays are apparently upon us once again. Yeah!
What I did forget however, was my meeting to fix my website! Spaced it out completely! Until I got home that is, and checked my email. There I found not one but two emails from the woman who's helping me begging MY forgiveness for HER forgetting the meeting. So although I was a thoughtless dick, at least I wasn't guilty of making her sit and wait for me while I didn't show up. Instead I apologized to her and asked that we try it again, after all she is helping for free. She found my senility amusing. I guess I'm always entertaining,if nothing else.
This week I have to convince a couple of my students that school is indeed in session and they'd better get on the stick right soon. Kids!
Doncha' just love 'em?
And so it goes:

I pilfered this picture from a blog I read every day. He titled it "I could go back to sleep" yeah right as if...
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