I am so pissed.
I can't decide what to do! I certainly can't let it go, and I certainly can't confront the student until and unless I have some proof, but they had two assignments to hand in last week and this students papers are in very different voices. One is obviously hers, the other is...well, someone else.
So now I have to turn to my boss for advice, which let's this particular cat out of the bag and I'm sure involves me in a whole scenario I am loathe to have anything to do with.
Damn it!!!
On a lighter note I'll be directing the next show at the University. I don't know what show yet, but I agreed to do it yesterday and I'm sooo happy about it! Yeah!!!
Of course, it has to be a small cast,mostly women, blah blah blah all the educational theatre requirements that I hate. But at least I'm directing for the first time in three years, so it'll be fun.
I may have mentioned that my teaching schedule appears to be precluding the need to run a cash register next semester. Also Yeah!!! AND I'm pretty sure I'll make enough $ this semester to take the ENTIRE summer off!!! I will be a-horseback at the earliest possible moment and then in the studio the res of the day. And I may spend quite a bit of time in Cimmaron Canyon in Northern New Mexico, talk about cool!
Pots are progressing, I made this one the other day:

I'm thinking it's part of a series. The glaze was supposed to have more of a matte finish,but I can live with the one I got. I stippled it with brown (which was gloss) and that may have made the difference. I bought some porcelain the other day so I'll be trying this series with that. I think I have a market for small porcelain vases at the grocery, so I'm gonna exploit the hell outta that.
One thing that bothers me of late about my schedule is that I'm not exercising. That is not wise in a man of my advanced years. So I have to figure out something to do about that particularly since winter is coming on fast.
Need to keep after my health, I'm paranoid enough about it, I don't need to give myself reason to invent shit. (Not that I already don't, you know, that spot on my ear is skin cancer, I peed four times last night therefore I have prostate cancer, that burning in my chest is esophageal cancer, or heart disease, I can't decide which. I'm going blind, deaf, senile, etc.) So actually neglecting my health is not the answer to this particular neurosis. I'll be exercising regular soon.
My work on the car has apparently exacerbated a little shimmy in the front end so I'm hoping tire rotation which I hope to complete this evening will fix the issue. Being the paranoid I am I became convinced yesterday that it was a loose bolt I had forgotten to tighten on Sunday so there I was laying on the ground at home checking the tightness of all the bolts,they were fine. I love those tires I hope they're not going to start being problematic after only a year.
Well I saw a "making of..." short the other day about "The Changeling" and now I have to see it.
Registered for classes yesterday and I'm going to have to beg the dean to let me back in the pottery class AGAIN! I'm certain she doesn't want to do it since I've been taking the class forever, but it's the only way I can get better and I need the advice Tom gives me, so I'm hoping she'll acquiesce again...and again...and again.
And so it goes:

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