Well, there's plenty to talk about so I'll be fine. And Gods know if I can do nothing else I can talk.
I tried yesterday to get my hands on books for next semester. Alas, it appears I'm on my own when it comes to book research. No course numbers, no records of old classes. This place is a mess when it comes to records. I think I can find these things out if I can locate certain info, but that appears to be in short supply.
Took a relationship risk this weekend. We'll see if my puny efforts get shot down or if my trust in my instincts is well-placed. I think it all depends on the ability of certain people to trust in what they know to be true. And of others to mind their own damn business.
One of the bills I paid off last week doesn't seem to have received their check. I'm concerned about that. Do NOT need the hassle of tracking it down. I'll give it another day or two.
Well, pottery orders to work on, errands to run, and lectures to prepare.
I just logged onto sundaybaroque.org and it appears their show this week was stellar. Sounds great so far. Maybe it's the music for the day.
And so it goes:

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