The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nice trend

Several nice trends actually. I made great progress at both jobs yesterday and also got my name change problems seemingly solved. I amended the petition, let's hope that solves Missouri's issues and they amend my birth certificate. That way this will be done with and I can get on with changing everything else. I went to the courthouse yesterday and it took all of ten minutes to get it done. of course, it took an hour to drive to the courthouse and back which robbed me of my old man nap yesterday so I was tired when it came time for class.

Speaking of class I'm apparently slated to teach three classes at both colleges next semester, along with building the show at the University, and possibly directing a show at the community college. I may have my hands full! I'm teaching design classes at the university of course, and then intro to theatre, and at the community college I'm teaching the acting class and yesterday I was asked to teach the lighting class as well. My greedy ass said yes, we'll see if I can pull it off.

But if I CAN pull it off I'll make enough money to take the entire summer off! Wouldn't that be cool as fuck?

The Kansas City Chiefs suspended Larry Johnson for calling reporters faggots the other day. Good idea. It's about time some sports organization started recognizing that the entitled arrogant attitude of their players is out of line. I get that they're talented and that they're capable of something not many people are, but that, in my mind imposes an even higher standard of conduct on them, not excuses for their behavior. I've seen that way too many times in art, and life to think it has any place. It's just a temper tantrum, spank them and give them a time out like they deserve. Apparently the Chiefs agree. The remarks Johnson's Dad gave the press should make the kid even more ashamed, cool Dad I say.

And though I should be grateful, and I really am, I'm still a bit dismayed that it took more than a decade after Matthew Shepard was crucified for it to come to pass:

Maybe he does intend to do the things he says. Let's hope so. Besides we're Americans too we already have these protections, it's just that no one chooses to enforce them. Well, very few anyway.

Running out of play time this morning.

And so it goes:


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