Last night after hardly using it all day it was fine. This morning it was very touchy and still is when I try to put it in positions it doesn't want to go in.
I fucking hate getting older.
There's great consternation in gay activism about the two guys who filed a federal suit challenging Prop 8.
They contend it's time to take this federal and challenge it on a constitutional level.
This, of course, has all the money-grubbing gay "leaders" a twitter, literally, because , as they put it "if these guys lose, all is lost."
Of course, the reverse is also true, but what is lost then is the need for all those people who are making a killing off of us, by "leading."
Certainly, they never lead, but they're in a position to, and should the need arise they're there to quash any urges we might have (the unruly lower classes)to march and demonstrate and loudly demand our rights.
I loved the local demo against the CA supremes ruling to uphold Prop 8. They were so sweet and well behaved. It reminded me of my father noting how well-spoken Martin Luther King was. That, of course, got said when he thought it was a good idea to compliment "them." idiot.
So our civil rights are in the hands of a bunch of well-mannered house slaves.(that's not what they were called, but I just can't use the word,I've tried)
Put them on the freeway and they've got the manners and vocabulary of pirates, but get them up there demanding their civil rights and they're all "please and thank you."
Maybe that's the ticket, invent a video game in which civil rights are the ultimate prize and have them fight it out on the freeway. Those youngsters who sit in the fast lane doing 55 every morning flipping off one and all who challenge them would get the idea right quick I tell you.
Damn whippersnappers.
It's very difficult though, to stay mad at them when they look like this:

Honestly, how fair is THAT?
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