No idea what I did really, well that's not true. A friend got a new hot tub and since he was out of town dealing with moving his parents to assisted living, I said i'd help. Unfortunately there was a snag when the tub arrived and rather than tilt the thing and slide it into place six feet from where it was, the delivery guys just left it sitting. So several of us devised an ingenious system to tilt it on it's side and slide it into place. Now, I'd already lifted a couple of fence panels and found that my right shoulder still didn't work properly so i was trying not to tax it too much, but about two hours after the hot tub was done I was walking along with a friend and turned to say something to him. As I turned my head and spoke there was a loud popping sound from atop my right shoulder followed by a fair amount of...well...excruciating pain.
Hence, sling.
I'm going to the dr tomorrow afternoon, let's hope it's just something that needs to be left alone and not messed with in invasive manners. I'd really hate that.
Does anyone have any idea why the D.P. of the new Star Trek movie felt this fascination with the facial pores of all the male actors? That damn camera was up people's noses most of the show. Note to D.P.: Pores are not an attractive feature. Now, that butt of that new Kirk...That's attractive. You could put a camera on THAT for two hours and I'd pay to watch. Pores...not so much.
Good movie though. I'm a little puzzled why they went backwards in time and didn't re-create the old Enterprise. I mean isn't this supposed to be the original one? I know only those as old as me would notice the difference, but it was there.
The first part of my vacation I went to Devil's Den State Park in Arkansas and rode horses. Oh my god! Talk about hills? It was great fun...right up until the skies opened up and drenched us. Still fun though. My friends A, and D, proved to be incredibly gracious hostesses, and gave me a wonderful start to the birthday.
I offered a few weeks ago to host a small dinner party for my best friend and my ex who share a birthday at the end of may. This party somehow morphed into a dinner for ten. I was not happy. Then it morphed into a lasagna dinner(I'd planned to grill salmon) and the venue was moved.
To top it all off I wound up assembling the Lasagna and when all the compliments were handed out at the party my name somehow never came up. I tried not to be selfish and feel slighted, but that's what happened and I'm just a bit pissed about it. Next year there'll be no parties that I attend. There is some bit of competition between them about this birthday sharing thing and it gets old for those of us who are not only celebrating that same week, which they never acknowledged, but just dealing with it is tiresome. We're 50! Can we please grow up? I'm tired and I want a rest.
The most fun I had all evening was when ex's friends (two VERY large women) arrived and totally dissed my all evening. It not only proved to me what got said when we broke up 6 years ago, it totally reminded me that life with him is NOT what I want. SAVED!! WooHoo!
Well, there's catch up to do around here.
Love and morsels:

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