Wrestlers in Nebraska are posing for nude photos on gay websites, (I have to wonder if it wasn't the Nebraska tattoo that got one of them booted) and one of them makes a very valid point. He says, "I could have got a dui, I could have gotten in a fight, and I'd still be on that team." He also says, "It's not illegal to get naked and take some pictures." Of course, if the good Christians of this country had their way it certainly would be. Unless you were a woman, then it's fine.
Chasity Bono is undergoing gender reassignment. I don't know how I feel about that. I can say I do not have any intelligent grasp on the subject. I have no knowledge of the thought processes of a person who thinks they're not of the correct gender. I cannot even imagine what that would be like. I'm a man, and I like other men, so that particular issue (at least there's one) is settled for me.
There seems to be a large contingent of Christians who think we should all toe their line and behave in the ways they say their god tells them we should. I have to wonder when they last talked with him. I have to wonder where they got the notion that their God endorses their spitefulness, I have to wonder when their God made them the Hall Monitor's of the world.
One of the latest gambits that Christians are using, that I read bout this morning, is to convince us that Madison Avenue is evil. (as though that were news) That they're selling us homosexuality the same way they sell us Orange Juice, (now there's an analogy for those of us of a certain age) in that they're just putting it our there in advertising and the more we see it and the more we get inured to it's presence the less we'll be concerned when men start kissing each other good bye in the driveways of suburbia each morning on their way to work. As though that doesn't happen now.
My ex has professed for a long time that he's out at work and doesn't understand why we, (some of his friends) aren't. It's not that I'm not out, it's just that I do not like these people and my life and it's precepts are none of their fucking business. The less they know about me, the less they can use against me, so I keep my business to myself. Which makes them crazier of course, and though I know they know, and I make the occasional unconscious reference to it, It's not something I go around work talking about, cause, well, fuck them. I am not at all interested in their opinion about it. And believe me, they have one. But I digress.
One day when I was living in Lawrence, KS he came to visit and we were out in the yard walking around. I looked over at him and wanted to kiss him. So I did.
My "out there" b/f stood in my front yard and looked around as though we might get caught doing something we shouldn't.
I distinctly remember a day in our relationship I thought was almost perfectly cool.
We were spending the weekend at his place in the country and that particular morning we were out walking along the gravel with the dog and he sidled up to me and hooked his arm through mine. Now THAT is the relationship I want to have, I thought. And then the car came along. He took his arm out of mine like Mommy and Daddy had caught him driving the Cadillac. It was soo almost perfect. Maybe he's not as out as he likes to think.
I so wanted him to be THAT guy, the one who could stand there and kiss me on the front lawn and not think a thing of it. I have to wonder how much of that Christian upbringing made him think that others might see, and they might judge. I guess when you've been seen and judged all your life it's less of a big deal. It just didn't seem like something to concern myself with at the time. Maybe the Christians could get Madison Avenue to sell THEIR product too! I'm sure they'd do it for a fee, and GOD knows they've got the money, they keep all those churches in business. Surely they can afford some product placement.
But don't you think something's gotta give? Don't you think that somewhere along the way we're got to veer back toward the middle of the road where we almost always stay so that the clashes and the exploited fears and the legal wrangling can take a breather?
Mind you I'm not for it, I would prefer things keep going as long as possible until we obtain some of the rights we actually have already. But history tells me somethings gotta give.
In the meantime let's take a look at some of these things that are absolutely NOT a big deal, nor are they illegal.

(blurring is not mine it's ESPN's)

And let's not forget HGF!!!

I don't know if it will ever come to the point where seeing two guys holding hands or kissing in public doesn't draw some stares - after all, we're sorta rare, and rare things get more attention. On the other hand, I do think that the day could come when the stares are entirely curious and not hateful or judgmental. Let's hope, huh?
Christians. So many of them, not nearly enough lions.
Lions! THAT'S what we need!!!
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