I need to wash the car, but what's the point? It rains the next day and it's that vicious circle thing all over again. On the positive side I'm saving a fortune on Air Conditioning. It's like 60 at night, very nice.
Today is my friend M's birfday in New Mexico, she's taking a day long hike to celebrate. I'm expecting pictures any minute now. Taos is still looking for a librarian. In all fairness the posting doesn't end until tomorrow, and when I'm the guy who hires I NEVER look at those damn things until I absolutely have to. So I figure Monday I'll hear yay or nay for an interview. Let's hope I don't have to make a mad dash to Taos one day soon, that'll be tense.
Barack Obama is apparently taking his health care sideshow on the road. All we need, Mr. President is single payer health care. Get the government in on the deal and buy in bulk, we'll all save a fortune. This spending 1.8 trillion dollars to buy everybody insurance is ridiculous. Get rid of the insurance companies, make it nationalized health care, the naysayers will all cal it socialized medicine and then go shove their way first in line to get some. Let's just do this and get it over with.
Speaking of which, that's my opinion of this week, let's just do it and get it over with.
My bosses latest hair-brained scheme has landed her in the doghouse with some here. She's obsessed that our new inventory system be papered. THIS IS THE I.T. DEPT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! I kept my mouth shut and let her go into this meeting so she could talk to her peers like they were first graders and they shot her down as I knew they would. So it appears we're finally going to enter the electronic age and I won't be saddled with the management of thousands of pieces of paper. AAAAARGH!!!
Sometimes I think this is the best job I've ever had in the worst place I've ever worked.
Instead of ruminating over all this I think I'll just enjoy a morsel.

I had to come back and do an update because I found this incredible article about a short film this guy made for Pride in Toronto, he's all excited about the notion that Pride is no longer going against the flow but with it. "We're willing to do anything to get the approval of the state." he said. Someone noticed, THANK THE GODS!!!
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