Where is the repeal of don't ask don't tell?
Where is the promised expansion of adoption rights?
Where is ENDA?
Where is the Matthew Shepard hate crimes bill?
Hell, where is MY bailout?
He's acted vigorously and "decisively" toward financial institutions who then took our money and paid bonuses to people who did not earn them.
However, he failed to help the middle class in any direct way.
Is sharing the wealth directly with the people a basic tenet of socialism? Well, yes it is. But since we're getting all the shitty parts of socialism let's see some of the benefits!
I'd move to another country in a second, BUT! THEY make it very difficult to do. THEY have tons of requirements that must be met before one can even apply for such a thing. We, on the other hand say, "Oh, Hells yeah. Come on in, and while you're here mow my lawn will ya?" After the lawn is mowed and the kitchen is clean there comes the requisite buyers remorse we Americans are genetically predisposed to.
Gas is on it's way back up AGAIN, we're preparing for memorial day and the annual schtupping we get by the oil companies. Recession or no, they want their due. Can't get by on a measley 36 billion a quarter.
So, I ask you Mr President, WHERE THE FUCK IS MINE?
Where's the job that gynormous stimulus package was supposed to provide? Cause yesterday there were 10 jobs in the entire country available in my profession on the Chronicle for higher education website. And only 3 of those were in my discipline. HOw much competition do you suppose their is for those jobs?
I'm ready Mr. President. I'm still here! George Bush didn't run me off. I'm educated,intelligent,healthy, willing and most able.
Time to step up.
In lieu of an actual reply to weekly my plea for justice in this world a morsel will have to suffice.

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