NOW, Bristol Palin, the child apparently raised by the daughter of Satan (If you believe in that sort of thing) says "Teens should just not have sex"
Yeah, thanks Bristol. This is news to us all. And by the way we already figured out that particular plan does not work. NEXT!
I'm increasingly unhappy today about Obama and his silence on civil rights, marriage rights gay rights, whatever the fuck you want to call them, they're CIVIL RIGHTS!!! They belong to us all.
Of course don't tell Bobby Jindal that, he's all set to sign any bill that the Louisiana legislature sets in front of him that even implies that gay people can be denied civil rights. This civil war should be VERY interesting. I wonder how it will be fought?
And to bring home the concern of the day there's news out of Georgia regarding the death of two women who were married in Toronto in 2007.
"Two women were found dead in their home yesterday morning after a home fire was reported to authorities in rural Statesboro, Georgia, northwest of Savannah. The statesboro herald reports:
After Statesboro firefighters arrived at the scene around 9:45 a.m. and extinguished the flames, they discovered a woman’s body and called police, said Statesboro Police Chief Stan York. Statesboro Police detectives responded and discovered a second woman’s body, he said. Statesboro Police Capt. Scott Brunson, who called the fire 'suspicious,' said the bodies of Naumbyia T. German, 26 (right), and Kiona Lively, 27, who both lived at the residence, were sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigations Crime lab for testing. Neither Brunson nor Statesboro Fire Chief Dennis Merrifield would comment on the cause of the fire, and Brunson said he would not release additional details, including the cause of death, until crime lab reports were returned. He said he expects the results Thursday or Friday."

...and we still haven't learned a thing.
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