Of course, my immediate thought is "oh, you old fool, you're just showing all that training you've been given by straight people these many centuries that tells you to hide who you are and not offend by getting in anyone's face."
The pragmatist in me says that I'm not so offended by my straight people training as that it happened on Wheel of Fortune with Pat and Vanna in attendance, while the contestant was buying vowels.
Yeah I think it's the tacky factor that bothers me most.

On the other hand I'm ready to go toe to toe with most Chicagoans over the appointment of the very capable and certainly most adorable Ron Huberman to head Chicago's schools. Some concern has been voiced over the fact that he doesn't have a lot of experience in a classroom. An issue that doesn't seem to bother them when hiring people to work IN those classrooms. But bothers them when the Administrator who will never be standing in front of a class to teach isn't a tenured prof. Seriously?
It seems that no one even understands how education SHOULD work, let alone understand how it DOES work and what is wrong with it.
Now, Ron Huberman is gay, and god knows he's drop dead cute, but let's let the guy do his job awhile before tarring and feathering him.

Which of course brings me back to Wheel of Fortune.
Yeah, it's the tacky Wheel factor. I loved that some guy told the world he's engaged to another guy on national television. Why couldn't it have been on Charlie Rose, or something smart.
Wheel of Fortune...FUCK!
And btw the price of oil went down another .45 yesterday. Gas went up .07. Enjoy.
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