The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do I care?

Do I care about Ted Haggard? Honestly, is Ted worthy of my time in any way?

He's a hypocrite who lied to himself his church his wife and everyone else he came in contact with.

He's decried the church's ability to "straighten" him. He's acknowledged that not only did he hire guys for sex, but that he solicited it within his own congregation.

Perhaps most heinous, he's loosed the likes of Mike Jones on the media, who lap up every senseless morsel that comes out of his mouth, and then share it with us

I do not care about this guy nor his ilk. I do not want to hear about his "human" foibles. Nor his denial of himself and his willingness to exploit it, and therefore us,in an effort to win...what? Acceptance? Notoriety?

Probably money.

Somehow, someway, somebody is probably paying him big bucks to keep this whole thing very public. He's a buffoon, and someone keeps listening to it.



Yesterday a California court told a Los Angeles (Riverside county) school that it was ok to expell two young girls who professed to be lesbians because the school isn't a business and therefore doesn't have to follow the state statute that governs such.

I think perhaps my favorite quote is this:

"The school's attorney claimed the court was right in determining '[the school's purpose was to] teach Christian values in a Christian setting pursuant to a Christian code of conduct."

Great! So Christians, who hate are now legal in California. They're legal everywhere else,they may as well be in CA too.

I can't help but think that one day, if they're right, these good old Christians are going to find themselves at that long professed day of reckoning, and if their God is really as just as they profess him to be, they're going to have a whole lotta shit to answer for.

Let the games begin I say.

Ted Haggard can stand at the front of the line.

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