George W Bush will begin his tenure as the worst president EVER in a mere 90 days. I can't wait!
A deserved title if ever there was one. I hope we don't let history look kindly on him, cause if anyone deserves the rack he does.
I understand someone tried to cuff and perform a citizens arrest on Karl Rove yesterday. Wish I'd been there. He's the guy that should go to jail, but if anyone does I assure you it won't be him.
I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to mention to everyone that you have to vote. You HAVE to! Of course, I'd prefer it if you agreed with me and voted the same way I'm going to vote, and though I am delusional, I'm not crazy. You may not agree with me and you might not vote with me either. But that's fine. I don't care who you vote for. YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO GO DO IT!
Go out there, stand in that line, and make sure your voice is heard. That someone somewhere counts the checkmark, the lever pull, the non-hanging chad (whatever) that came from your hand to the ballot box.
It's a right, yes. It's a privilege, yes. But most importantly it's a responsibility. We have to get back on the road to being the
America I talked about the other day, the one that Thomas Friedman so eloquently described in Hot, Flat, and Crowded, his latest book. If a paragraph like that isn't patriotism I don't know what is.
Voting is the easiest, and most fundamental thing you can do to support your party, your candidate, your ideals, and your future. And if you have children it's all the more important.
Lot's of people blow off voting cause it's time consuming, it's "a waste of time" it's not very glamorous, etc. But, and I know I'm beating a dead horse here, it's so incredibly important.
Personally I object to all the shit that's being heaped on the Obama campaign, hope, change, the expectations that he's going to make things ok.. they're all so...well, huge! It's too much, and it creates inevitable disappointment. If he's our guy, let's just get him in there and tell him what we want and see what he can do. Let's not send him in there with this laundry list and hope for the best.
Yes, I want us out of Iraq, I want universal health care, I want education to...well, exist. I'd like to see college for everyone, but baby steps. I want us to go the root of the economic problem and say to those homeowners, who, though they didn't read their mortgages, and who didn't think through what was probably the largest purchase of their lives, I want us to say to them, "Ok, here's what we'll do. We'll fix this mortgage so that you can keep the house. We'll cover the loss of the financial institution that screwed you over to begin with. But you're staying here, and you're paying for this house." Everyone wins. Instead of saying, "Oh, here, let's give 700 Billion Dollars to our banks so the poor things who obviously can't manage money to begin with can get themselves out of trouble."
We're doing socialist things but we never seem to get the good parts of socialism. We don't get health care, we don't get free college, we get the shitty nationalized banking system. Essentially a way for us to recapitalize the banks who spent the money we gave them to begin with.
You do realize that we capitalized that banks the first time don't you? I mean they didn't just print that shit, we earned it and gave it to them for one thing and another and that's where it came from. And they blew it. So since it obviously wasn't enough we have to give it to them again. But in larger amounts and lump sums this time. God we're stupid.
Anyway, to prevent this kind of shit yo u have to vote. You have to get out there and make sure that gas isn't $4 a gallon again, that we have choices in our energy consumption. That we are not the stupidest people on the block.
We need to start over, we need roads and bridges and an electrical grid, and mass transit, and bike paths that actually go somewhere, like to work, instead of over the river and through the woods, and we need to create the jobs to fill those needs. Let's rebuild what we've neglected and make the necessary improvements along the way.
Yesterday I was reading someone who criticized T. Boone Pickens for his natural gas for cars idea, saying that a whole new infrastructure would be needed.
Wait, we'll build roads and interchanges to handle the traffic to the new Wal-Mart, yet we won't chip in for cleaner, cheaper, energy?
Need I say more?
Get your ass out and vote on the 4th.