The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Justice? What's that?

I've read that George Bush has instructed his staff to prepare for the transition to the new President's staff in a few months. Read-He's got them shredding and deleting and reformatting into a frenzy so that the new administration will be under the misguided impression that they're walking into a completely blank new world, wait, Blank New World, forget Aldous Huxley.

Of course, if John McCain is elected, then the blank new world won't be so new to him.

I'm reading that there have been certain states that have placed their National Guard units on alert to impose martial law in the event that the economic crisis goes ballistic. How comforting to know that we've come to that point and were heretofore unaware.

I've also read that with the economic crisis having reached the point it has, that the organizations who foolishly exist on the Machiavellian whims of corporate America, you know, like food kitchens, meals on wheels, pantries, homeless shelters and the like. They're feeling the pinch cause when the rich get less so, the first thing that goes is other people. Corporate giving has tanked in recent weeks and a lot of organizations aren't able to make their nut. So what happens? People go hungry, they begin to contemplate the prospect of living outdoors..IN THE WINTER! And they die.

Where in the hell do we live? I heard a story on NPR this morning of a woman who got herself and her children off welfare 45 years ago by working at a nursing home. I've no idea how long she worked there, nor if she was able to retire, but I do know that 68, she's back on welfare. Unable to secure employment, unable to care for herself, and unable to escape the cycle of poverty she's spent most of her life in, she had to go back on welfare just to survive. WHAT THE FUCK?

I suppose she could move somewhere else and start over. I suppose she could try to find some government program that's not currently overrun with applicants that MIGHT help her secure employment. But she lives in a small desert town and the elderly are far less inclined to relocate as they age.

I contend it all goes back to an education system that is so inherently flawed that it doesn't function in a manner that would do anything but keep the masses stupid and hungry. And those in power like it that way.

We don't have anyone anymore that speaks truth to power, so why wouldn't they live in their own little deluded world where they can just cast crumbs to the masses and go off to their little 450k junkets right after they got themselves bailed out at our expense? Oh, and I also read the other day that Wachovia, remember them? They guys who had to be bailed out of their subprime mortgage mess and then had Citigroup and Wells Fargo fighting over the meaty bits? They loaned the Republican party 800k at the height of their insolvency.

Chris Rock said it best recently:

"George W. Bush has fucked up so bad, he's made it hard for the white man to be President."

Well, if this is what we get, what makes it so damn important for them to be President anyway?

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