I also found this on Bilerico.com, I stand corrected over yesterday's incorrect URL for their site.
I think it's a great point and I love that nameless faceless people do stuff like this.
However, where the fuck have you been? I find it not only ironic, but pathetic that now that it's safe to bash Republicans and the Bush administration that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I mean, WELCOME! But, don't stop just cause it's not fashionable to bash, they don't, why should we? Bash back. And I mean that in all it's connotations. Question some fucking authority already.
I'm so tired of being held hostage to this 700 billion dollar ransom we have to pay to be able to buy stuff. They're threatening us with a lack of credit. First of all that's bullshit, credit is how they make their money, they loan it, and people and companies pay interest on those loans. No credit won't last for long, they're too greedy.
And here's a novel concept, what if we had to save our money and pay cash for stuff? What then? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!(thanks dr. Venkman)
Cash, now there's a concept!
I should have bought gold when i was told to 15 years ago.
Alas, there's always HGF tomorrow.
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