Thursday's navel belongs to---

Josh Lucas, who though born in Arkansas, apparently didn't stay for long, so I have to give him that one.
Wasn’t it nice of George Bush to get on tv last night and tell us the sky is falling…AGAIN.
I see this as the ultimate expression of what I refer to as the American Disease. No one is responsible for what they do. No one is held accountable, and they spend most of their lives pointing their fingers everywhere but at the mirror, which is where the trouble started in the first place.
We’ll pay for it, we always do, and the dollar will tank and gas prices will shoot back up to intolerable levels, and George Bush and his friends will whistle their way out of the White House with no consequences for their actions, and no one will go to jail over all this.
I just don’t get it. In my world I’m responsible. I’m responsible for not having enough retirement savings, which will likely be even less now. I’m responsible for my own bills. I’m responsible for the situation I’m in here, in that I can’t seem to find the door. I’m responsible for what happened a couple of years ago in that all the signs were there that those people were crazy and looking for someone to blame and abuse for their troubles. In my heart of hearts I knew that, and fool that I am I rushed in anyway to rescue them from themselves, putting myself in harms way without even thinking they’d do what they did. Yes, I’m responsible for all that.
Wall Street executives? Nope. Not responsible, fall guys abound for these people. President of the United States? Nope. Not responsible. Everyone else is responsible.
I am reminded of Barack Obama's campaign slogan, "Yes, we can" Well, no actually it should be "Yes, we have to." I doubt he'll bring about any effective change in any eal way that we'll see in our lifetimes, but it'll sure beat four more years with the same shit that John McCain is intent on shoveling at us.
Speaking of which, did you see Katie Couric make mince meat out of Sarah Palin last night without even trying? She should be working at what my ex referred to once as the Retail Roundup, not campaigning for the Vice-Presidency, she's in water that's way too deep for her. I don't have any good examples of her missteps, but I'll find some and bring 'em to ya. lol
We’re in for it, no matter how this goes, so we might as well tell Wall Street to go to hell and let the chips fall where they may. Of course, that’s just wishful thinking, Congress will “reach a deal” today or tomorrow, and it’ll get railroaded through both houses and we’ll give them a big wad of sweaty money and all the fool’s will go, “Phew! That was a close one huh? Heehee.”
And we’ll go on being broke and struggling to feed our kids as though this were Bangladesh, all the while wondering why they're fat and it's cause of the crap that is all we can afford to feed them. And we’ll just accept that this is ok. And dream of winning the lottery...not realizing that someone else just made off with all the winnings.
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