And today's guest navelist is...

The lovely and talented Ricky Martin. He can babysit for me anytime.
People.Yes, we've established my love for them. But days like today really make my heart go crack. The sheep were out on rainy highways this morning. I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible, that they simply cannot do it. Three raindrops fall and it's like they've never been behind the wheel of a car before. I won't bore you with long descriptions of the antics of the morning drive, but some of them were very entertaining.
Still no word on the test. I'm pretty sure I aced it, or very close anyway. The trick here is to be patient, not my strong suit. Ah well it's better I don't know what they're going to do anyway. This way I get to be here a while and fulfill some of my current obligations just that much longer. If it all comes to pass I'll feel better about that.
I feel like an economic Pinata today. The Treasury is ready to start beating money out of us with a stick and we're all just chafing at the bit to get strung up there. Let them fail! I've said it before and I'll say it until Bush gets his way late this week, they're businesses and they should be allowed to go under like any business would. He's selling this country to the Chinese and no one is asking where this money is coming from, no one. I hear very few voices of sanity in this "debate" (read posturing for the camera's)and in the end they'll sell us all down the river like they've done in every important debate since 2001. I'm particularly fond of the part where they say "Hey, you better give us 700 Billion dollars or the economy is fucked." And then they say, "It's the fault of all you assholes who took out those ridiculously high priced mortgages we were pushing on you for the last 7 years. But give us the money anyway, and maybe we'll tell you what we did with it, later." (After we get our 8 figure golden parachutes in off shore banks.) This is the stuff that revolutions are made of.
I've been dreaming of desert landscaping and I looked up a few pictures yesterday. There some nice opportunities to grow stuff I can't grow here. I'll miss the ability to grow a lot of the things I have here annually, but I think, at least as far as I researched yesterday, there are some pretty cool things to grow in the desert. I really liked these pics:

Having been a slave to a lawn mower many years past, I am totally ready for the gravel thing. It's soooo appealing. The dog may not like it much come time to poop, but that falls squarely under the category of Not My Problem.
Oh and the news flash of the century.
Clay Aiken is gay.
Did Rose Kennedy have a black dress?
I just want to call the news people and remind them that News is stuff we don't already know.
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