is making the very valid point that we're the back door crackers of the 21st century today.
And he's right, it's very notable that we can be visible when it's convenient, but not when one of us wants to kiss our boyfriend immediately after one of us wins a gold medal at the Olympics, nor when we give money to a political campaign. Only when it's convenient.
The Bilerico Project is making hay over the fact that there was mention made by many at the DNCC about the gay vote. Need I remind them that we've been asked to the prom before, only to be dumped when a cuter guy came along. We're just the patsy's of the era, and we're glad to be at the table, instead of being outraged that we're taken advantage of ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! I frequently feel like that dog that gets kicked repeatedly and keeps coming back for more.
"Please Sir, take this check from me. Oh, and give us a little kick in the nuts while you're at it huh?" Thank you!
Well, gay jokes aside, and yes there was one...well, maybe two I was never sure about the second one cause I didn't hear the whole thing, but my gay joke radar is pretty good so I say it was a gay joke anyway. OH and I got called a faggot while I was riding my bike on Sunday, it was quite the weekend for gay verbal abuse.
As I have mentioned, my ex is my best friend's partner's best friend. Work through it, it's very incestuous, but it's understandable eventually.
So we all went to dinner Friday night.
It is now clear to me that the ex is still not over it. SHIT! I mean seriously, it was five years ago. Get over it already. It didn't work, it's not gonna work! Very disturbing development. Not pleased about it. Lord God I need to go to a new town.
Do you hear me Universe>!????!!!?!?!? I need OUT!!
But! I had quite a busy weekend anyway, I spent Saturday on a horse, Sunday on a bike, and Monday at the wheel making pots. In between bouts of homework and grading papers that is. I saw I Am Legend, which I'd missed, and I watched a Christian Slater movie called "He was a Quiet Man" maybe he can act. It's been so hard to tell these last few years while he beat his wife all the time. I looked at new saddles, and also at horses and their availability in both of the possible new locations. It's promising, but not perfect in either. I'll have to own eventually I can tell.
Well,this week is already shaping up to be one of those four day weeks that seems like ten. Ah well, I can always just hide in my office.
And here's a little pick me up to start your week with. I just love Brendan.