I had another one of those moments this morning. I was on my way to work and while driving I guess my mind was wandering, and suddenly I noticed it happened again. My shoulders relaxed, my breath came slower, I felt...well, safe. That's not been the norm for me in a very long time, and with this happening twice so close together, I'm beginning to wonder if this may indicate a trend.
Truth is, a couple of opportunities have presented themselves. I'll say no more cause I'm a little superstitious, but even if they don't pan out, the promise that I can be delivered from evil seems to assuage my stress. Kinda nice. I'll take either one that comes along cause they're both very nice opportunities, but the mere idea is what seems to be helping me in the short term.
I was a little dismayed by that kitchen sink speech last night. That speechwriter missed absolutely no one on his journey down Presidential lane. I know everyone would have howled if they weren't mentioned, but it seemed to me that we could do with a little less inclusion, and a little more "here's what I'm gonna do." and more importantly here's what I CAN'T do. No one seems to think this guy can miss, that he'll deliver everything he's talking about. Well he won't, few of them do. If he gets 30% of it done he's done damn good. I hope he's not the opportunist I think he is. Good Luck to us all with this one.
I rarely go traveling on amateur nights, which is to say I don't get out on the highways on the holidays when people who never leave the neighborhood are wandering about. So, I think I'll stick around here this weekend. I have horses to ride and pots to make anyway, so if the weather cooperates I'll have plenty to do.
And don't think I'm not pissed that David Duchovny is addicted to sex and I just found out about it. The truth is out there, I just don't hear about it in a timely manner.