I'm not getting younger and I'm pretty comfortable here in my little apartment. Besides some new opportunities are about to present themselves I think...more on that when/if it happens.
I want to go places and live in other cultures but I am loathe to give up my creature comforts. A notion I know is silly, because I've filled place after place with completely new furnishings and started over more times than I care to count. So I know that it can be done, I've just grown attached to some of these things, they came from people who have passed through my life and I want them around. But can they be safely stored and retrieved at a later time?
For instance, I'd let all this furniture go if necessary. Let's say I got one of those jobs I've been courting in another country and I had to go. I'm not taking all this stuff! Besides i am NOT a fan of this living room furniture, so it'd definitely go. The dining room stuff, though i like it, could go, and though I love the bedroom furniture and would prefer to keep it, I've had it for 15 years and it would be a fond memory, so yes I'd let it go too. There's the matter of a pottery wheel and some equipment, but I've come to look at that stuff as a commodity worth money that would help with a relocation rather than necessities.
So here's the list:
Artwork, books,Cd's, clock (inherited), electronics, bedroom furniture if possible, China, keepsake box, a few baubles like the crystal bowl and vases and the vase of Buddy's ashes.
I'd take the electronics and the bike if I could, but other than that I'm done with it. I want to say sometimes "If it fits in the car it can go with, other than that it goes to the curb." (the bike of course, would get a carrier on the outside)
I know what this is. I'm not chasing anything right now. There is no goal that's tough to reach, and we're bored. Poor us.
Ah wanderlust, it pulls like a tide.
And so it goes:
I wish I'd seen this first this morning I'd have ranted about not wanting to live in a country where some texan who thinks we should all belong to corporations and is certainly in their pocket apologizes to the very people who hvae decimated the gulf coast of the United States with their greed and carelessness.
This isn't a pciture of the guy in question, but probably one of his relatives:

hmmm- well on tp the story it's incredible that someone would say he doesn't want to live in a country that would make a company pay for their mistakes, Personally I don't want to live in a country that would allow this guy power of any kind, yet he's not in a minority, sad.
And no, it didn't come from the gaffe-prone BP brass. Instead, GOP Rep. Joe Barton of Texas — the ranking member on the House Energy Committee — made a decisive splash in his opening remarks. A staunch conservative who has a long record of backing oil industry interests, Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for the "shakedown" the Obama White House pulled on the company. (Barton has received more than $1.5 million in campaign donations from the oil industry, according to Open Secrets, a nonpartisan watchdog group.) You can watch the video here—the apology occurs at the 1:45 mark:
[Photos: Obama meets with BP executives]
Wrapping up, Barton said: "I apologize. I do not want to live in a country where any time a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, is subject to some sort of political pressure that is, again, in my words — amounts to a shakedown, so I apologize."
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