The last three days they've been screaming that the sky is falling, and I've yet to see a flake. Well, of the snow variety at least.
Pushing from afar for inclusion at the University. Not for me, I don't care if I'm included, but I think there is an instructor who feels excluded from things and there's no reason for that. I get the distinct impression that she doesn't like me, and again, don't care, but I do not want strife amongst the ranks. We're pretty much all we've got there, it's plain the administration doesn't want to be bothered, and if we can't get our own shit together we're doomed.
I've ventured the idea that she might direct The Vagina Monologues this February for V-Day, and to increase our visibility. I thought that would help things all round, but it's been met with lukewarm interest. People are funny, they'll bite off their noses to spite their faces.
Harry Reid is baiting the Republicans for some reason, and it appears to be working, at least in the short term.
I can't imagine that any worthwhile health care bill wil ever reach Obama's desk, but stranger things have happened I guess.
With temps in the 20's and clouds and snow in the area I guess it's a sit and read all day kinda day. Gods know I have plenty of stuff to read. I've got three textbooks to make lesson plans out of for next month, I've got a play to read and analyze, and plenty of personal reading stacked up as well. So since I don't have to leave the house I guess it's soup and grilled cheese while hatching plans for next semester.
And so it goes:

"And the dreams you dare to dream really do come true." Finally! A decent picture of Jeff Gordon without a shirt!
Chums in Iowa speak of the snow supposedly headed thataway. I have another chum shooting an industrial video in MICHIGAN as we speak. If it snows there--she's NEVER seen that much. I don't miss that kinda storm talk. Here in Dallas-"bitter cold" is freezing while it inches into the 50's. So excuse, me gotta get cute and put on my IOWA hooded sweatshirt and go bout my business. Latte, anyw one?
I'm on the south coast of lake Erie and we haven't had one flake stick to the ground yet. I have to remind myself at least once a day that Global Warming's a bad thing.
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