I had a lovely visit with the ex yesterday. We chatted about pretty much nothing for over an hour and it was fun. He's off tomorrow to his parents I hope he has a safe trip it's supposed to be snowing where he's going.
I got a few things done I as putting of, and oh yes, I hope you're sitting down...I put up xmas lights. No there will be no pictures...well probably not. We'll see how my vanity goes.
I bought the standing rib roast for xmas dinner and all the fixins yesterday. I bought the pies last night, though I had to pick them up early this morning cause they weren't cool enough to put in covers.
I declined an invite to the annual new years party my friends J and K have.
I don't usually go. There's a laundry list of reasons why, but I really don't have a good time and so I abstain. K will have a fit, J will not understand why he is having a fit. My ex will find it amusing and wonder secretly if K will guilt me into coming at least for a while. I will hate the whole process.
What family doesn't have it's ups and downs?
But today is putting the house in order, oh hell I forgot to go to the florist. Well, that's next on the list. Then wrapping presents, and perhaps putting up one more string of lights. I got a vision.
Then it's xmas eve, and wassail and all that.
After that it's peace and quiet and movies, I cannot wait.
And so it goes:

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