I picked up a bug over the weekend and I'm down with a cold. Yesterday I got through the morning class though I was all sweaty and I was not that interested in what they were doing. Then I went home for lunch and took a bunch of cold medicine. I fell asleep. I woke up about ten minutes before the next class was to begin and I called the Dean's office to have them let the students know. Apparently they didn't and the students called my boss who is in Texas to ask where I was.
I was not happy nor pleasant when he called me. Of course, he's the one who gave his students his phone number, so that's his problem not mine.
So, today I woke with a sore throat, and I'm still achy, and I'm still going in to teach the two classes I agreed to teach. SHIT!
I called the grocery to tell them I wouldn't be in, and they were pissed. I'm overwhelmed by the concern for my well-being.
Perhaps my mood is affected by the razor-blade feeling I get every time I swallow. Which wouldn't be often if I had a choice. It looks like video teaching today folks!
I see the big brains in education have managed to hire a guy in Georgia who is willing to hire people to kill gay students, not to mention the fact that he'd been recently arrested for making terrorist threats.
"Let's hire that heterosexual terrorist who wants to kill gay kids instead of the fag who wants them to actually learn something." Sounds about how the conversation probably went to me.
The new hate crimes law is apparently going to be tested in the wilds of Puerto Rico. As I posted yesterday in the sidebar, Jorge Stephen Lopez Mercado was beheaded, dismembered, and burned over the weekend, and the local constabulary told the press 'that he deserved what he got because of the "type of lifestyle" he was leading.' (towleroad)
Well, now the FBI is involved, (not that that consoles me much)and they say the guy they've got in custody will be prosecuted if it can be proven he killed Mercado, and that he did it because Mercado was gay. Nice sentiment.
Of course, the likelihood that they will find a way to make a hate crimes charge stick since not many people would stick around to listen to what someone was saying while they were hacking somebody up is slim. So, if this guy did it and they can prove it, he will likely only be sent to prison for the murder. Not really enough for me, but I'll take what I can get. Enough of us are getting killed for existing.
So, with this light-hearted mood I head forth to scour the library for a video on Global theatre, which I'm teaching today, and then hopefully the voice students will be game for the exercise they've been given.
Then I can go back to bed.
Oh! It snowed last night and it's 28 degrees. I CAN'T WAIT to get out there!
And so it goes:

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