I am worse than whiney about it, I'm just plain mean.
I was crabby as shit yesterday at work, and today I have to go do a presentation with one of my students who I KNOW is not ready. though it's an honors section for an undergrad I expect way more better work than what she has produced. And today the world gets to see what she's done. Yippee.
So I approach the end of the work week with this wonerful wonerful attitude. Ain't she lucky?
I can't even stand being around myself so I truly pity everyone else.
I should go back to bed and not subject the world tome today, alas, I'm committed to this mess. I'm gonna try to keep my mouth shut. (stop laughing)
Enough bitching! The weekend s here. I'll rest this will get better and I can take a much needed vacation. Then there's the quiet time of the holidays. Ah there, that's better. The frantic pace is near an end. That makes me feel recovered already.
And so it goes:

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