However it also can indicate the opposite!
Like yesterday,which was not your typical Monday.
I had LOTS to do, not the least of which was to meet with the dean about the little payday snafu of last week.
In truth I anticipated that the job was over since I called the president's office to get the job done and I figured he'd hate it that I had.
Didn't care.
In fact the first thing he said to me was how sorry he was about what happened. And he hoped I was still willing to continue to work with them next semester. we'll see what his opinion is of next fall, or mine for that matter.
Though I was somewhat taken aback I thanked him for the apology and talked about what we needed to do to get moving forward. I also told him that the payday thing needed to NOT happen again, with which he agreed, and said he'd do his best. I hope that means it's done.
So I left there and went to the college. That was uneventful, I made a couple of pots I need to use to do that trimming demo tomorrow, and then headed for home to prepare for my evening class.
Ok, ok, I went home to take a nap. But there was some prep for the class involved.
As I pulled into the parking lot I thought I should check my mail. There was only one envelope, which is always good news. As I walked to the car I opened it and discovered inside a letter with a card attached.
"Attached is your unemployment benefits debit card from the state of******"
After waiting almost 120 days to find out if I was even gonna get benefits and then having to go through a hearing I figured fuck it, and wrote them off long ago.
They apparently had other ideas. They paid me three months worth all at once!
I was a bill payin' bitch all afternoon, nap be damned. One notable piece of bill paying lunacy, there are many companies who will not accept a card number to pay off a bill! I was dumbstruck. I either have to get cash and send that or I have to go to their local store to pay them. The state pays me with a debit card, and the creditors won't accept it. It still didn't dampen my mood.
Of course, it won't fix everything that happened to me financially after the loss of the library job,but it will stave off bankruptcy, and the two big ones that are left either will agree to payment arrangements or die. Preferably the latter.
Talk about raining! I mean , yes, it's rained men before(on occasion), but seldom MONEY.
Needless to say I'm in quite the good mood this Tuesday morning.
Let's celebrate!!!
And so it goes:

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