The Matthew Shepard Act has FINALLY been sent to the President for his signature. Mind you Matt has only been dead a little more than a decade, so what could possibly have been the rush to get some legislation passed to protect us from such things. After all we're only queers, doesn't matter if we get tied to a fence and beaten to death, after all we ask for it all the time.
And the L.A. Police department has finally severed their ties with the BSA. There's been much speculation over the motivation of the BSA to deny membership to mo's, but in the end for me it's simply a method to indoctrinate young men into a way of life. Which is to say they're doing the very thing they would accuse me of when it comes to recruitment. The things people get away with in this life amaze me.
Alas, this week is over, it certainly was all about winning for me. Yeah!
I'm thinking it might be, once again, time to test the waters of applying for teaching jobs out of the area. I'll be very circumspect about were, but there are currently a couple ads in Artsearch that intrigue.
I got 50 pounds of porcelain the other day so tomorrow I'm staying home all day to make some pots. Sounds like fun. I do wish there was a way to get outside a little and play. I'm getting a little cabin-feverish lately.
One of the things I have to do is talk to my brother. He says he doesn't feel like company so I'm honoring that by not traipsing to his hospital room daily, but it does worry me greatly with all his health problems that he's down with pneumonia. I do not like those close to me with diabetes and in their early 60's sick with much of anything. I've lost too many already, and I'm certainly not ready to lose him. that's my last family tie and I fear I'd handle it poorly. But looking on the bright side the dr's don't seem to think he's in any particular danger, so I'm going with them for now.
This bring to mind a conversation I had with a co-worker at the grocery a few weeks ago. I've long been the source of medical advice to those I know and quite by accident she mentioned her recent gastrointerological health issues. From what she described i told her I'd advise going old school. Castor oil frequently until things worked themselves out, and the I'd bet the regurgitation would resolve itself.
When came to me last week and told me that she went to the Dr.and he said exactly the same thing. Nice to know I've still got it.
A few hrs of working this morning then some social whirl. Tomorrow it's making pots all day. Woohoo!
And so it goes:

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