The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, October 2, 2009

Still wouldn't trade it

Ever get signs that you shouldn't be doing what you're doing? That your most recent choices aren't in your best interest? I get that all the time, hate it. Even with all the shit that's going on right now I wouldn't trade my life for anything. It's been an incredible ride and I believe there's more to come.

I've tried three times to post something meaningful and deep here today. Not working out very well I can tell you that. I've deleted all the drivel and decided that what we'll do is celebrate the coming weekend, especially since my life savings just showed up in my bank account about an hour ago! Woohoo!!! I can pay bills!!!

Sad when that makes your day isn't it?

I've made a date with a guy for next weekend to ride horses, and I've been wanting to do that with this guy for a while now, so it's pretty fun to know it's coming to pass.

I spoke with my colleague at the University yesterday who doesn't seem unhappy with the set, which I find odd since I hate the damn thing. But what the hell, I don't have to work with it.

Today's first pic is another from my vacation in August. You may remember I told you that when we were riding horses we came over a rise and there was this cabin sitting in the middle of nowhere. Well this is it. It brings tears to my eyes to know that places like this exist and that it IS possible that someone, maybe me, can live there. Enlarge it to get the whole effect please.

I mean I don't want to be the Unabomber or anything, but I would treasure the solitude.

Have a safe and happy weekend, be well.

And so it goes:


LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Any of these guys your horse riding date....? :)

The New Me said...

lol If they were I doubt many horses would get ridden.