I was in an episode of Brothers and Sisters. And I don't watch TV!!
I was a guest at a wedding, and no it wasn't the gay couple, I dont know whose wedding it was. I hung out with Rob Lowe's character most of the time. We packed to go to this wedding and wound up riding in the gondola of a balloon. We passed these animated lands until we came to one where the balloon started to settle and we thought it a good time to open the picnic basket that magically appeared, BUT just as we did the wind came up again and took us up.
There was some confusion later about the clothes in my suitcase and my suit didn't match or whatever, I'm muddy about those particular details, but the whole time I was thinking "What the fuck? Why am I in an episode of this show? And why am I in a gondola flying around with Rob Lowe?"
When I woke this morning I thought it might have been something I ate, but no, I ate pretty conservatively yesterday.
I think I preferred not remembering my dreams. That was odd.
Well, I made it through both of the schools of higher book learnin' yesterday without incident. I ran into the Dean on my way out and asked for a meeting to not only define my role, but to discuss budget for the remainder of the academic year. This guys got me teaching design! Are colleges really THAT desperate for design people? I mean they must be. He agreed that we should meet after fall break. I didn't even know we HAD fall break, but apparently there are no classes next week.
My acting class was fun, they did their midterm monologues and we started discussing the workshop they'll be doing with the one act play my other class is writing.
I made a couple of pitchers in the studio yesterday. Wednesday it's the dreaded handle exercise. Sometime it works sometimes, it don't. Without a handle this pitcher will be useless.
Today is the drudge job, then an evening of trying to figure out why my tv doesn't recognize the vcr anymore. Lord I hope I don't have to take this tv off the wall, it's such a hassle. If I get it working I'll screen master harold and the boys for my class tomorrow.
This weekend is horseback riding with the new guy. Have I mentioned I'm excited about that?
I'm also taking three days off this weekend. Woohoo!
And so it goes:

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