The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Closed doors

Being emotionally closed off has it's perks. It saves one from the hassle of people in one's life. It rids one of most, not all, of the drama associated with relationships. It works hella good as a defense mechanism to keep anyone from getting close enough to hurt.

It does however, have it's drawbacks.

It stunts dreams, it isolates, it loosens one from connections.

In short it's not all it's cracked up to be.

But man is it hard to stop once one has learned it as a way of life.

Sometimes one uses it to keep from feeling the hurt one feels every time someone leaves. And people leave for all kinds of reasons. They leave because it didn't work out. They leave because they were meant to be elsewhere. They leave because they die. But leave they do. Almost always.

So, there is then justification for the closing of doors. There's the easily taken road of isolation and emotional denial.

But breaking that habit is tough. And of course, one must be willing to relinquish enough control to let such things happen.

And control freaks are rarely able to let go that much.

But once upon a time they knew how...didn't they?

And so it goes:


1 comment:

LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

I so agree. It's hard for those use to being in control ease up. Quite hard. However, I've learned, as I continue to ignore invites to join AARP, I miss out on alot if I didn't. It's worth it.