I was at the grocery for 8 hours yesterday. That sucked.
Thankfully the people are nice, and though almost all the customers have control issues, (if you want to really see people at their worst deal with them over money or food) they manage to remain mostly calm, though there is the occasional nutjob.
But running a cash register is NOT what I signed up for after a decade of college. So I'm a little twitchy on the subject.
Today is my first face to face with the powers that be after my little bombshell of Friday. I can't wait. Either I'm well regarded, and thought of as someone who's resourceful and responsible, or I'm that pain in the ass that has to go at the end of the year. I'll be able to tell soon, this guy's pretty transparent.
Oh, and Sunday one of the Deans at the community college sent out an email that he'd found a dog wandering by his house and had been unable to locate it's owner after days of searching, so the dog was free to a good home.
Guess where he lives now?
It was time. I hadn't had a dog in 17 years. The last was a great dog who lived to 16. I had to have her euthanized and I felt like I did it with my own hands for a long time. That combined with the fact that I never felt I was in a good situation for a dog I just kept putting it off.
His name is Steve.
Let's hope this relationship goes well.
I'm still incensed by the notion that the conservatives and the igmnorami who live in fear think it a bad thing that Obama told the students of America to stay in school yesterday. They managed to tell their children, among all the other stupid things they teach them, that the big black boogey man in the oval office is to be feared cause he's not like us.
Maybe Steve and I need to become hermits.
I swear if I could find a small college somewhere that would let me teach my subject and let me live in peace I'd go there in a second.
Sometime today I have to make a Petsmart run. Leashes, food, chew toys. I'm going to make him some bowls. And they gave me a bed he likes so that's next to mine in the bedroom. Our first night went quietly. Of course, I had one of those nights where sleep is a thing that comes and goes so I was up after 4 hrs and then every hour on the hour until I finally gave up and took Steve out for a walk. It seems he's already housetrained. Someone did all the hard work with this little guy already so I imagine they're wondering what happened to him.
I ran across a little androgynous blast from the past yesterday morning and thought I'd share. Some of you will remember him, and some of you will go ewww! But he was one of my favorites for a long time.
And so it goes:

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