We were informed that we had access to this mythical "Purchasing card" yesterday. We'd been promised this thing for weeks and it apparently finally mercifully appeared. The limit is $100...per month.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I laughed. I just stood in the deans office and laughed maniacally. It was all suddenly clear to me, they so don't get it. How in the hell could they possibly expect me to come up with a set and the necessary items to create it with $100? This is higher education. Run by the clueless bureaucrat.
So we're still in the same boat we were in yesterday morning, one of us is going to have to spend the money to get this damn set built and then for the next set we'll know how to work this ludicrous system. It will not be me.
I was reading this morning over at Proceed at your own risk the news that there is a U.N. resolution that has apparently passed the Human Rights council which would make it an international crime to criticize religion. Richard then goes on,as he is wont to do, about a couple in Tennessee who agreed that when they split up the wife would take their daughter to live with her and her female partner, and the husband would take the son. A judge, it is noted here that activist judges operate on both sides of the fence, inserted himself into the proceedings and said that since Tennessee law prohibits a couple from having the child in the house when they're not married denied the arrangement, even though the couple getting the divorce had agreed it was in the best interest of their children. And the good Christians of the world stand up once again and tell someone else how they should live. Thankfully the appeals court overturned the decision and told the judge to reconsider.
There is a lot of noise being made around the country about how the homosexual agenda, of which I still don't have a copy, is trying to indoctrinate the children and that it's the duty of all good Christians to put a stop to it. Fucking nutcases.It's them who are attempting the indoctrination, they're trying to religionize this country, to not only blur but erase the lines that separate church and state. And as always we'll be the ones to pay, us the people, not just the mo's. I saw a license plate the other day that said "In God We Trust." One of these days I'm going to apply for a plate that says "Godless" Let's see what kind of challenge they make to that. You know it'll be denied and I'll have to fight to get it done. If it ever happens.
Michael Moore is releasing yet another film talking about the failure of capitalism. I think it's good that he does this, but truthfully he gets richer each time one of these films comes out. So there's a bit of a dichotomy there. Yes, his film about General Motors told truths about the company we would never have known otherwise. Yes Sicko and Bowling for Columbine et al were necessary. But why does he keep all that money?
Surely capitalism has failed. We're poor, and we're getting poorer, and though no one I know really wants to be wealthy we shouldn't have to spend the rest of our lives wondering where the money for the light bill is coming from, and our children shouldn't have to do worse than we did, yet they are, and they will.
Socialism is known to be the answer. It's already here and the stupid,whose numbers are legion, among us are the only ones who don't know it. They don't want universal health care, yet they do want $787 billion bailouts for the very people who got us into the mess we're in in the first place. It's failure of the education system at it's finest. They're made stupid and they're kept stupid, and they're indoctrinated into a world where they believe that capitalism is the best thing for them and then that very system screws them over. AND THEY LOVE IT!!!
We have to overhaul the education system in this country. It must stop being geared toward the lowest common denominator. It must stop dragging down all the minds that really do not have to go to waste. Just because little Johnny can't read does not mean that Little Susan should have to work at Dollar General cause she was in the same class and the level of learning was dropped so Johnny could learn to cipher.
Teach them according to how you want them to understand. Don't teach them a belief system or a religion in the public schools,make that the parents responsibility. Teach them how to distinguish between right and wrong and what's moral and what isn't. These principles are universal.
Teach them the value of the human experience and show them the worth of the lives of each person they encounter, Then you'll be doing them a service, then you'll be teaching them that we all have value, no matter who we love and no matter who we vote for, and possibly then we can start rebuilding this nation into what we were always told it was.
I got into a great discussion with my class last night about the nature of storytelling and the value of actor's in a culture. They had some pretty twisted notions about what an actor is supposed to do and what kind of lives they live. Not that all actor's are saints, but the one's I know, and I know quite a few, live pretty ordinary lives. But the discussion was fun, in fact I let a couple of things go that I wanted to talk about so we could keep discussing it.
Well I could sit here and bemoan the facts of the rest of my week, but it'll do no good, so I'm off to do it.
I need a vacation.
And so it goes:

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