But I can tell you this. It's hella better than sitting here wondering where my next dollar is coming from. Unemployment has scheduled a hearing, so if that gets resolved in my favor I'll get that...finally.
I've got to run around all day and then sometime figure out how and when to read this play and start brainstorming about the set. I've got to get with the Financial Aid dept to request work-study students. I've got four syllabi to write. I've bitched a lot this week about writing syllabi, Perhaps you get the idea that I don't much care for writing them. I don't. They're a pain in the ass and no one ever reads them, evidenced by the inevitable argument some student tries to launch late in the semester when they say they were never told about something which is clearly in the syllabus.
But they save my ass if they're on file in the Dean's office and they can show the complainer that i wrote it down and handed it to them the day we met.
Jefferson City says I have about three weeks more to wait for the amended birth certificate. Which complicates the hell out of getting two new jobs. The community college is not new but it may as well be. Every semester you have to renew your direct deposit info and it's as if you've never been heard of before. My entertainment is that I've decided to start using the checking acount connected with the ING acct. It's all electronic. No paper...AT ALL! It confuses one and all.
They want a paper check to use for the direct deposit and that is all there is to it. One would think in this day and age that people and organizations would be more able to respond to such things without all this getting torqued out over new stuff. They do not seem capable of wrapping their brains around the concept that there is not a check to give them. After the many years of headaches Payroll/Human Resource departments have given me, I relish this small measure of revenge.
I also have to ride the bike, it's been days. After the holiday I'm returning to the stables. I've been either too busy to go this summer, or it's rained every single time I tried to get out there. I bet my reception is chilly. I'm thinking it might be time to find a place I can just go ride without all the stuff that the current place involves. I really want to work with the horses, but not with the humans. I'll have to work on that.
I dropped the two classes I wanted at the community college this semester. They revised the policy telling us we had to pay 25% of the cost and we basically told them to go fuck themselves. So I dropped the classes, and found out at orientation that they'd changed their minds and those of us who'd had the benefit would keep it. Now of course both those classes are closed and I'm trying desperately to get back in. It's a hassle. I'm going to try to do both independent study we'll see how they take to that.
Alas, Hot Guy Friday must get underway as I have Promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

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