Makes me nervous. All those what if's floating about in my natural-born worrier head. Funny how so few of those worries ever come true.
I'll do what I can, when I can and hope for the best in the interim.
Three headlines caught my attention this morning. The first was: "Some Bear False Witness in health care debate." lol
The second was "Two men sought in theft of $1 million in jewelry from JC Penney." ROFL. Have you ever seen that cheap shit they sell at JC Penney Jewelry counter? I have to wonder how they managed to conceal that much junk while toting it down the road. That must have weighed tons. It's not like one can go into a Penney's store and steal one or two things and get stuff that's worth millions. lol. They'll be easy to find, just look for the green marks that jewelry left on their skin.
Headline number 3, "Lockerbie bomber released on compassionate grounds." is this not dichotomous? Didn't this guy blow like 300 people out of the sky? People whom he'd not only never met, but people who likely had only transgressed in the usual fashions? Which means that a death sentence would be a little strong for their sins? I hvae mixed feelings about this.
We're so quick to judge people and to want to string them up for any old thing, but give us a chance to pat ourselves on the back and convince ourselves that we're basically good people cause we let that guy who was gonna die anyway out of the slammer,and we're on board in a second.
A skosh hypocritical, no?
On a more prurient note Ricky Martin has posted some beefcake pics of himself with the twins on his website. Not wild about the baby thing, but he's still young enough and God knows he can afford it, so more power to him. Ricky though, lord that man is handsome.
This week is flying by, very surprising, I thought I'd be laboring through it with the first week of classes and all. No such drama, just minor sruff.
Got to ride the bike this morning it's a beautiful day in the 'hood and I'm sooo restless. Maybe i'll make a pot or two as well. I need that too.
Speaking of which I think I'm going to get in those classes I wanted after all. The registrar called me last night about 8:30 and she was going through her voicemails and promised she'd just give them to me if the dean would give her the ok. I think the dean is on one of those kicks where one tries to be nicer to people. So maybe...just maybe.
I can't figure out if it's just my worrisome nature, or if there really is something hurtling through the universe at me this morning. Odd feelings.
And so it goes:

And as long as we're celebrating Puerto Rican's let's have another. The shot is weird, but the shooter is sublime.
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