I went to the college looking for trouble where there wasn't any, and then to the University not looking for trouble where there was.
I am STILL waiting for my printer cartridges to arrive in the mail therefore I don't have any way to print things I need, and it's the beginning of the semester. It's a problem.
So I went to the local library, which I'm sure I mentioned, keeps bankers hours. They don't open until 10am. It's kinda stupid, but they're librarians, what can you expect, they live in their heads.
I went there at 8:30 in the morning and cussed all the way back home. There were things to do so I went back about 1:45, all the computers were busy. I was less than patient with the woman at the desk.
I decided to try to use the adjunct computers at the college, they're usually in use, but it was worth a try. I thought I'd call ahead and talk to the Humanities secretary and see if one was available. I got her voicemail, no surprise this is the first day of classes.
I expected to arrive to see a gaggle of kids around her desk all loudly demanding whatever imagined crisis they had be solved immediately.
She was alone using her letter opener to get into a pack of donut gems. I thought to ask why she couldn't answer her phone, but then reconsidered knowing the dean's proclivity to...well...be a bitch.
I found a computer printed stuff, went to the mailroom and made my own copies. She seemed to enjoy the donuts.
While I was collating and stapling my syllabi the dean came by, my gut tightened. "Do you have everything you need S***?"
Pregnant pause...while I think to myself, "Where's my Dean, and what have you done with her?"
"Yes, and thank you." Is my response. Does shock make you stuporous? I was just wondering.
Then I had to talk to the Dean about getting my classes restored as a student, AND tell her about the name change. She was a gem (pun intended) about the whole thing.
Then I went to the University to pick up keys and find out why my email still didn't exist.
That was a nightmare.
I called five times before I went and got the voicemail every single time. Again I entered to find someone twirling a pencil completely alone in their office.
"You don't get a key I only got three and you're the last to arrive, I put in another request."
I was certain she was kidding.
I was immediately whisked into the Dean's office and asked to teach yet another Independent study. I told the student my availability, but she had schedule conflicts. I bet she works them out.
While I was doing that the secretary disappeared. I returned to her office and waited, and waited, and waited.
She returned and said, "What are you still doing here?" "I need a key." I told her.
"I don't have one,(obviously she wasn't kidding) I have to wait...well, let's see if they have it ready yet."
"I also need to get my email working." i said.
"Didn't I email you that info?"
(phone rings)
She proceeds to answer the phone and take a 15 minute call. I will say in her defense that she took some file out of a drawer in the beginning of the call and laid it on her desk.
While she was on the call some guy came in, talked to the dean a minute and then came out and hung around. I have less than 2 hours to drive the 25 miles back home, eat dinner and get to my 6pm class.
(end phone call)
She then introduces me to the guy, and gets into a ten minute conversation with him! "Cathy, I'll just get this stuff on Wednesday." I finally say, after getting a complete gut full of this bullshit.
"I've got it right here!" It was the thing she'd had on her desk since the beginning of the phone call.
"So can you see is the key is ready now?" She did, it was, I left, she knew I was not happy. I'm sure she'll be a bitch to me from now on.
Seriously, I understand that I need to wait my turn, bu I DO NOT expect to lose my place in line when the phone rings or someone else comes in! I don't think that's unreasonable.
I should say here that I am particularly touchy about this stuff since it happens to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!
But I digress.
The day was complicated by people, as my days usually are. The class was the best part. I have an acting class with 5 guys and 5 girls.
I'm the envy of acting teachers everywhere.
They seem like a good bunch with few reservations. So today is office hours. I'm cowering inside hoping no one knocks. They think I know stuff, like where things are.
I can barely find my office.
And so it goes:

1 comment:
I need to come there and see you teach--whereever 'there' is...would be an adventure!
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