This morning I got up at the regular time, apparently a hard habit to break, and proceeded to meditate and do Yoga for almost an hour, I feel pretty fucking good right now.
Next I'm going to trim the pots I made yesterday and maybe make some more.
I've spoken with the retirement folks, the dentist, the doctor's office and the benefits folks at the school district. So I'll be getting things looked at and dealt with soon before the insurance runs out. Well, runs out isn't exactly correct, I'll COBRA the insurance, but I think it's a good idea to get checked out before I'm on my own financially.
But enough about me.
My stepsister's husband died Monday. Due to the fact that they only told my adoptive father we found out last night completely by accident. He dialed the wrong number when trying to tell my brother and then didn't bother to correct his error. He'd gotten my nephew's wife on the phone and when she told him of his mistake he hung up. She, assuming she was dealing with a normal person, figured he'd correct his mistake. Sticking with his life motto "What doesn't appear in the mirror does not matter." he did no more about it.
So today I have to find out if we've missed the funeral and if not send flowers etc. I'm not going, there'll be people there from my former family and this is not about them. But it will be if they see me. So I'll send flowers and let it go at that.
I was wondering last night what Michael Jackson must have thought of us. By that I mean, what did he think our lives were like? Gods know his was nowhere near what we would call normal, and I doubt he ever had any perception of what that really was. Sad really that we, as usual, took someone with so much talent and reduced them to a caricature. Yes, I know he was complicit, but we were largely responsible for it. He was marketed to us, but we bought it.
Oh, and there are even more revelations about his life. Not only were the children not actually his but...wait for it...he was gay.
Ya think?
THAT is about as newsworthy as the announcement a couple weeks ago that Adam Lambert was gay. I have to wonder how that worked out. I mean seriously who in the world could you find to fuck Michael Jackson who wouldn't have immediately tried to sell their book?
Ok, well back to Zen and me. I need to stay Zen because I just read that I'm unemployed during the highest unemployment rates in 26 years. Ain't I lucky?
How could I NOT post a picture of a guy who waxes a spot for his new tatoo. Reminds me of a picture I saw not long ago of a guy who has to shave his right arm pit because of his pirate tatoo. Go for it, I say!

I happen to LOVE that tattoo - the pirate one, that is.
oh it's a great tatoo. I envy anyone with the chutzpah to put one there though. That's a pretty tender spot.
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