This is ever so much better than yesterday. I slept until almost 10am, and then laid around all day napping. Wasted the whole day. I can't think of a reason in the world I've slept so much this week. I'm not sick, I'm not depressed that I can tell, I don't feel particularly exhausted, but man did I sleep the sleep of the just.
But last night I went to bed on time, I set my alarm, and I got up when it went off. I intend to have a very productive day.
The apt will be cleaned, there will be some phone calls made, and I WILL workout....some. (I haven't been exactly conscientious about that so I may take it slow at first)I have phone calls to make and I MUST get a haircut, this mop is making me nuts.
Michael Jackson is still dominating the news. It seems that now everyone wants to know where he's buried. I bet he's not. I bet they've got him at Forest Lawn and they're keeping him inside until they figure out how to best memorialize him,. Too bad some people can't be left alone even in death.
I have to make note of Steve McNair's death. How much of a drag is it that the poor guy goes over to his girlfriends house and falls asleep and she shoots his cheatin' ass to death and then herself? Why he felt it necessary to have a girlfriend as well as a wife we'll never know, and I'm not advocating shooting people when they're troublesome. The list would get too long, and if you didn't get away with it the prospects are grim from then on out, and that gives the shootee WAY too much power over the rest of your life. No, best to just get the hell away and let them happen to someone else. Cause they will, trust me.
As I mentioned the other day, tomorrow is the day I finally become the New Me. Well, in name at least. Unless someone shows up to rain on my parade that is. I doubt it though. I think if anyone had gotten wind of my intentions I'd have heard from my brother that there was trouble brewin' and he hasn't said a word. Besides that PhD showed up yesterday and I realized that I have to go through the process of changing ALL of my degrees to the new name. Oy! What hath I wrought?
Well, there's a free Tai Chi class at the clubhouse this morning so I better get a move on.
Today there are two morsels. One is dressed, I know that's a departure from my normal procedure, but the photo is from a site I found (I have all kinds of time to look for things like that now)called Guys with iphones. I contend that if you have nothing better to do with a phone that cost you three or four hundred fucking dollars than to take a picture of yourself brushing your teeth and post it on the internet with your name as the pictures title no less,then give the damn thing to me. THIS is why we men are portrayed as doofuses on tv. We do stupid shit like this and share it with the world. Keep that shit to yourselves. Oh! and don't take a picture of your or your partner's junk and keep it on your iphone, that's fucking stupid too! The other morsel is because the first dumbass is wearing a shirt while he brushes his teeth. Jeesus!

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