I'm speaking of health care and the "Blue Dog" conservatives who think we should give the forces against health care more time to accomplish their goals.
They've, of course, put me in the unfortunate position of having to support Barack Obama's plan to get this done by August, which I just heard he's backing off of now,but that means they're just going to stonewall it like they did to Hillary Clinton 15 years ago. So, we're screwed by those idiots we ran to the polls to support yet again. The more things change...
How comforting.
I figure right about the time my cobra runs out I'll need health care that I can't afford and we'll still be jawing about this bullshit. See! Screwed.
Yesterday I ran across the booklet on how to file and manage an unemployment claim, and I figured out that I damn near screwed the pooch on that one. You're supposed to file a claim every week even though you're getting severance and working part time. Who knew? Not me that's for sure. I panicked and locked up my account when trying to log in and when I got a woman on the phone (they're busy, they need to hire more people) she unlocked it for me and then told me to just file for all the weeks I missed and everything would be fine.
I won't get paid any unemployment benefits for those weeks anyway, I'm still getting paid as though I was on the job in the ghetto. But at least it keeps me in line. I noticed too that they're so busy they are almost a month behind on claims. I'm lucky I've got the breathing room,maybe I'll get money from them just as I need it. Maybe.
Today it's pots pots and more pots. I didn't feel great yesterday and after I went to the chiropractor and rode the bike 20 miles I napped the rest of the day away. It was raining anyway,so getting nothing done felt right. Well, that's not exactly true, I went to the chriopractor,dealt with unemployemnt, rode the bike, applied for a job, installed a set of driving lights on the car, then picked a few tomatoes and made BLT's for lunch. THEN I laid down and napped. So, I'm not feeling like a total bum...yet.
There needs to be a way to see Nurse Jackie and Weeds and Entourage without having to subscribe to cable tv. I think that needs to be the first thing to go under the new budget and those are about the only tv shows I watch anymore,besides movies, which I can get off amazon. So, they need to get on that for me. I think I'll give them a call today.
Have a lovely Tuesday, I'll be listening to new agey music in the studio today while I try to build up a store of pots to hopefully make money off of.
Enjoy this morsel, how could you not:

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