I'm not sold on health care reform. Why? Cause I don't know shit about what they're up to in D.C. Not that we ever do, but this time it could make quite the difference in our lives. The house seems to be all concerned about keeping it in the hundreds of billions, yet no one has mentioned what it is going to cost us each month. And here in a time when added costs are not only unwelcome, but in come cases impossible. Yes, there's a federal subsidy, but, have you ever tried to get a straight answer out of the federal government?
I'm also not sold on this new job either. Something's up. Ever get that feeling? That something or someone is up to something and you've not been let in on the whole story just yet? That's how I feel. Now, all the jobs I've had in higher ed I've gotten with, "Ok, so when can you start?" No formal interview, no reference calls, no transcripts, no nothing, just "here's your keys and there's your classroom." Academia either thinks I'm really good at what I do, or they're desperate to get on with whatever they were doing and have no time to deal with the likes of me.
I prefer to think it's the former, but I fear the latter is the more likely scenario.
I have no evidence to offer you, well that's not true, I do have evidence, but I can't divulge it. Can't back it up...yet. All we have to do is wait for the shoe to drop.
I just hope it doesn't drop on my head.
I'm also not sold on the latest increase in gas prices, and the oil companies obviously don't give a damn about my questions.
I read an article in the WSJ in which an investigation was mentioned that shockingly came to the conclusion that Commodities traders were responsible for the run up in gas prices last year and that it was totally a result of their speculation that it all happened. Duh!
Did I not say that at the time?
Is anyone out here?????
Good Christ.
See, if they'd just operate on the principle that I'm right, we'd save a hell of a lot of time. Very few seem to get that concept, and more's the pity I say.
Anyway, oil is down below $66 a barrel, the CTFC is being blamed for $4 a gal gas, and the price of the shit just went up a quarter yesterday.
Fuck me. (this just made me laugh I thought I'd share it. how ever will they survive on only $15 billion in profit each year? Poor things.)"The world's largest publicly traded oil company said it earned $3.95 billion in the second quarter, down from $11.68 billion a year earlier. On a per-share basis, Exxon said it earned 81 cents, down from $2.22 in the second quarter of 2008."-By Ben Rooney, CNNMoney.com staff writer
So what's gonna happen as a result of the lack of oversight on that POS George W. Bush's watch is that there will be even more regulation than before, the Republicans, seizing any opportunity to tell us the sky is falling because of the Democrats, will say "See! They want to control us all! It's big government come to take over your lives folks!" Overlooking the fact that when they're in office we get our morality legislated...a LOT. And in the end those who obviously must be watched in big business, because if given the opportunity will steal the pennies off our eyes, will have to figure out new ways around the regs like they always do.
I've got an amusing little thing happening at the grocery. There's this kid, he's 17, and for many of you I don't need to say more, but it makes me chuckle just to see him posture and try to get my attention. This isn't because there's any great attraction, but because this kid needs and wants the attention he gets and he has nowhere else to get it. And, I firmly believe has NO CLUE as to why he likes it so much. It's sometimes hard not to laugh at him.
The last two days he's been off, yet he's managed to show up scantily clad, granting me an all access pass to a great gun show, but at the same time I feel like I'm sitting in a comedy club. Oh! And he keeps reminding me that he'll be 18 in September. As though that would make me stop laughing. Last night as he was leaving I went outside to check my voicemail and he walked out with me chattering about nothing as we went. After a few minutes of that I finally said, "Ok, then I'll see you tomorrow." and raised the phone to my ear so I could hear my messages, and his face dropped noticeably as though he felt dejected at being cut off, and he said good night and left.
Kids say the darndest things.
I cannot decide where to go this next week. I really want to see the Tetons, but it's 15 hours!!! Shit, that's a long fucking time in the car. I could do it I guess. But damn!
The problem, and the temptation, is that there's a horse and a free cabin in the Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico. You see my dilemma, I'm poor.
Today's morsel is a whodunit. Who told this kid that looking like this is a good idea. At least it appears that it's all natural and not steroid induced.
I just want to see if anyone knows who this is without being told. It took me a minute, but it's my life's work, so don't get frustrated if you don't get it at first:

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