Which will mean that my intuition about them is correct, and they really haven't been listening to me at all. See, they keep saying, "Bring proof of your income for the last 30 days." And I keep saying that I'll do it, but it's really not relevant since that income is stopping, which is exactly the problem. The woman I've been talking to isn't from here, which seems to be a large part of the problem...the language thing.
So, though I may be wrong, (though it's rare, it HAS been known to happen) I'll go there and listen to what she has to say on the subject, knowing full well I won't get the answer I am looking for. I suppose it's just a future of fending off collection calls for several years. I can't WAIT!
Obviously I'm paranoid today. I paid bills online yesterday, and the usual lag time did NOT occur. I looked at my account this morning and virtually everyone came and got their money last night. It's like they know this could be it for a while so they better get it while the getting is good. See, told you I was paranoid.
But on the bright side the weather portends to be sending good electricity wishes our way for the next week. Looking forward to that I tell you.
After the lovely financial start to the day I'm riding the bike and making pots. I'm, putting my eggs in that basket for now I've decided. It seems the best way to get some cash moving through the coffers, which are about to need dusting.
I read this morning that attorney's for BMI are going after local clubs for failing to pay royalties on music played by the bands they hire. Seriously? is the music industry that desperate that they would shut artists down on the basis of collecting a few miserable fees? I see the music industry is going to have to be reinvented...again. I'll refrain from bad-mouthing lawyers this morning lest it come back to bite me an hour from now, but you get the point. Things get curioser and curioser.

1 comment:
I particularly like that morsel - he's a cutie.
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