How did Ed McMahon's death get to be about me you ask? Simple.
Ed, long ago gave himself to us as a public persona, since I was 5 at the time I have always pretty much had Ed in my life. Since Ed has died that means that the generation between me and mortality is fading (except for the evil that is my adoptive father, for that one someone will have to fashion a stake)which leaves me as part of the front line.
Not good.
Not bad, I guess. I've lived far longer than most people expected I would, and the way things are I expect to terrorize them for many more years to come. Good solid fun if you ask me.
It's just one of those moments when you realize, yet again that the things from your youth are becoming memories, and that there will be no one after you to keep those memories alive.
Ed had a good run. He certainly lived well, and Gods know he enjoyed it.
Can you imagine someone like Johnny Carson coming up to you after his retirement and saying something like, "I miss you, it was fun wasn't it?"
You bet your ass it was fun!
Talk about lives well lived.
I'd say the morsel on the right is ass over tin cup in lust. (not that I'd know anything about it)

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