I should mention here that she's heard the rumor that she's on a hit list around here and her reactions to that, instead of evaluating her strengths and utilizing the hell out of them, is to run around here and get all up in everybody's business. When she hasn't done her homework this poses a few problems.
A few weeks ago she told me be the point person on this software rollout we were about to do. Friday, we were in a netmeeting with the guy from the software company and while we were meeting he logged into our server and set everything up, transferred our data etc. and during that time she says "Well, I guess I'd better get an email out to everyone to let them know I've got this done." I was not amused.
"So I'm not to be involved with this at all?" I asked. "Well, yes, you're to be the trainer and the contact person." A monkey could figure out this software in five minutes, I still was not amused. "I see," I replied. I then closed my notebook, placed it on the floor and proceeded to sit there and drink my coffee the rest of the meeting and when it was over I got up and left without a word.
An hour later someone else came in to inform me that the boss had gone to the eye dr only to discover that when she was gettin all up in my business she was SUPPOSED to be THERE. So since she had to wait, would I compose and send out the email to the staff regarding the changeover.
I know a bone when one is thrown at me.
I did it anyway.
THEN Friday afternoon I had one thing left to do at 4pm. I'd saved it so that I could concentrate on it when everyone was gone. It isn't involved but it requires all my attention and I don't get that uninterrupted time when I need it unless I schedule it. Enter bosslady...
"Would you like to see the database for the new project," she asked as she licked her chops. "Sure, I'll be right there."
Now, I'm thinking that I can give this 15 minutes and then get back and knock out my last thing quickly and go home on time.
It reminds me of my allergies. WHY IS IT ALWAYS A SURPRISE?
This meeting, like all meetings in this department almost immediately degenerated into an exercise in defining terms. Which of course I was not prepared for and had no time to devote to. After attempting to enter the conversation three times and either being shouted down or totally ignored each time I said "Oh. Mygod!" under my breath and closed the notebook again.
So I sat there and listened to this exercise in banality wondering all the while why my boss had sent me to that class to learn databases and then without ever asking me, farmed this particular project out.
I looked at the clock on the computer next to me. It said 4:30.
I stood up told the woman who had done the work that it was a pleasure to meet her, and thanked her for all her work, turned to the rest of them and raised my hand, said "See you Monday." And left in the ensuing silence.
I was so mad I forgot to turn off my computer when I left.
As you can see the silence is more than one-sided. We're at an impasse, me figuring out ways to torture her, her figuring out ways to torture me. Call us George and Martha without all the love.
But the weekend was nice. Cocktails and dinner with friends Friday, E worked on my shoulder, which was great since it felt so much better when he was done. I got that lesson on Saturday, in which I told her I wanted to learn natural horsemanship and she told me she wasn't much of a proponent of that and then proceeded to teach me the very stuff I wanted to learn. I'll go back fer sher. Liked it a lot.
Saw a coupe of things on CBS Sunday morning about the Catholic Church, all bad, which made my day. i.e. what the pope did to Galileo, supporting my contention that the Catholic Church and the truth are only on passing terms. I mean seriously, when do those people NOT show up with a new rule designed to get themselves off the hook. We can start with the Doctrine of Equivocation and move on to all those payments they've made these past few years.
Figured out how to get movies on the computer. Actually it was easy and I finally saw Milk. Penn was perfect. For some reason I'd always thought that Moscone and Milk were found together by Feinstein in the Mayor's office but it appears that was not the case at all. He really was our last great hope. I have to wonder why we always destroy the ones we truly need.
Not impressed by this latest offering by the insurance companies over health care. We need single payer, and nothing else will do. Their assurances that they'll lower their intended cost increases over ten years are falling on deaf ears here. Anyone who'd believe them would also believe George Bush when he said we don't torture. They're only doing this to placate until they can get some more influence set up, then we're done for.
I tell you elimination of those evil bastards is the only option.
Well here's Monday afternoon's morsel. I've raved enough for one day. Besides I gotta go out and play, it's nice out there.

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