I'm starting to wonder if all this save the economy by bailing out whoever holds out their hand(except, of course, the little guy.) is the right course.
I was never a fan of handing any bank billions of dollars but now that I see the economy is o better off, and in fact is about to get a LOT worse I wonder if it was worth it at all.
Chrysler is dumping hundreds of dealers, and GM is about to follow suit. This will result in hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs. You do realize this is bad?
Gas, for reasons apparently not understandable to mere mortals, is up over 30 cents in the past three weeks. The silence over this is deafening. WHY is no one raising hell about this?
Is greed the national pasttime now? I thought that was baseball.
All these good God-fearing Christians (a term I will never understand) are standing idly by while at least one of the seven deadly sins is perpetrated EVERYWHERE in the marketplace and with full knowledge that it's happening. Companies are NOT bashful about telling you that their bottom line is THE most important thing to them and they'll do whatever is necessary to protect it at all costs.
The last time I took an economics class, and believe me it was a long time ago because I'd never willingly do it again, I was told that when business was down and profits were down that interest rates would go down as a result, to attract more borrowers.
Today however, this is not the case. When business is off we RAISE the interest rates on our existing customers because we've got to get our usury (and that's what's going on here) and since we can't get it form all those we used to we're gonna get it from you. And fuck you if you can't or don't want to pay it. We can legally demand it of you and we're gonna.
This greed is not only state sanctioned, it's seemingly understood. We're no longer in this together, it's every man for himself.
Oh! And the guy who got to be President riding the backs of those who believed all his bullshit about equality and treating mo's fairly and not tolerating the shit the previous administration handed out is proving to be nothing more than a guy who just wanted to be President, and was wiling to tell us whatever we wanted to hear to get it.
See Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show for a great commentary on Obama and DADT.
But enough of engaging in the popular gloom and doom of the day. It's Friday! I'm having dinner with a friend tonight whom I haven't seen in months because we're both in academia and this semester was apparently interminable for more people than me.
Saturday I think I'll spend the day in the studio. I haven't been able to do that since the holidays and I'm waaay over due. It's supposed to rain a lot today, which precludes horses for the weekend, and I need to make pots anyway.
I've got one more week until I get to vacate. I'll be off for points unknown on the 23rd. I cannot wait!
But! Until then here's our selection for the week. It's a bit random this time, but that's just how I feel today I guess.

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